water softener


Large Fish
Sep 17, 2009
The Iron Range of Minnesota
Something occurred in my house the other day that rang a warning bell in my head. The water softener needed salt added. The area I live in has very, very hard water. The house has a water softener and that is what I fill the tanks from. How horrible would it be if the salt in the water conditioner ran out and wasn't noticed for a few days? I thought of filling the tanks straight from the well pump (so it doesnt go through the water softener), but that would never work in winter.

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Large Fish
Jun 27, 2009
Kalamazoo, MI
You may want to wait for a SuperFish to get in on this. But, I go to school in Kalamazoo, MI and we have very hard water here too. I use water from the tap that I condition for my 10G tank. As far as I know my apartment doesn't have a water softener. If it does, I can't tell because every time I test my water the ratings are rather high. However, I've never had a problem.

Also, my home has a water softener and sometimes we walk into our basement and see the low salt light flashing, and when we check it's completely empty. Likewise, I've never had a problem with my 30G either. Based on my experiences I'd say you'd be fine.