i am somewhat new to fish keeping, i live in florida and as you know it gets really hot here during the day, i have a twenty gallon high tank with six tiger barbs in it, two of which are albino. the water tempurature is around 84/85 degrees during the day, which as i have previously read, is too warm for the fish. i just wanted to know if there was any way to lower the tempurature of the water.
Also on a side note, i was looking for some some suitable tank mates for the tiger barbs, i have tried rosy barbs but they were constantly being niped so i had to move them to another tank. any suggestions would be great!! thanks
i am somewhat new to fish keeping, i live in florida and as you know it gets really hot here during the day, i have a twenty gallon high tank with six tiger barbs in it, two of which are albino. the water tempurature is around 84/85 degrees during the day, which as i have previously read, is too warm for the fish. i just wanted to know if there was any way to lower the tempurature of the water.
Also on a side note, i was looking for some some suitable tank mates for the tiger barbs, i have tried rosy barbs but they were constantly being niped so i had to move them to another tank. any suggestions would be great!! thanks