Water Test Strips


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
I picked up some Mardel 5 in 1 Test strips.

I have tested my Aq several times.

For fun I tested the tap water.

The Nitrates tested almost the same. 10 for tap, 15 for Aq.

Nitrites in the tap were 0 and for the Aq they were .1

Hard, alk and ph were all fairly close.

WHY does it seem I have Nitrates in my tap water. This is water from town wells.

ETA: water is not from MWRA.

Town reports say Nitrates tested a 1 ppm. I test at 10. COuld be my interpretation of the test strips.

Hardness and Alk and ph readings were all slightly diofferent than my test strip interpretations.

Q2 What test kits do you consider the most reliable???

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Large Fish
Feb 29, 2008
central Michigan USA
yes the colors can very on the test strips. i've had that problem with mine from time to time. the wife and i argue about the color hehehe. you might want to go get a API master test kit because the strips don't test for ammoina. even with the API kit you still have to judge the color.

A little trick of the trade with the test strips to make them last longer is to cut them in half the full length of the strip. make two out of every one and last twice as long. i've done this and the test results come out the same cut in half or not.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
lol..whiskers u cheap bas.... ;) Test strips are known to be very unreliable..go with the API master as whiskers said.

I have some old strips that I still use for quick tests..well when I actuall test my water..once i got the swing of things and learned how long my tank would go before reaching certain levels i stopped testing on a weekly basis. But now in a new area so testing again every week.


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
OK great...

SO it just the bature of the beast with the strips.

I LOVE the cut in half trick. Hey, I have kids...have to save where I can.

Also....someone else mentioned that API test. I'l have to get me some as water chemistry is way more important than I thought - actually...before here I didnt think if it at all.


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
I think I posted the link to the API master test kit on one of your MANY threads. :p
I'd definitely get that. Test strips no more!
AND it has 800 tests in it!

AT 33 bux that is more cost effective than cutting the strips in half!!!

I will need that before I do my large tank.

I want to watch this whole cycle thing happen before my eyes.

Afterall I am a bacteriakeeper first!


Small Fish
Aug 3, 2008

I use the API master test kit as well, but what I really would like is a handheld device which you could put the water into which would display the results on a screen. While I know such devices exist for pH (We use them at work), I do not know of any for the other tests.

There is still some variability in reading test results out of test tubes against the colors on cards, and I suspect if a reliability & repeatability test was to be run we would see a large amount of measurement noise.


Large Fish
Jul 25, 2008
So. Cal. USA
Paper strips are very inaccurate. Only give a rough idea.

I have an API kit. Excellent, I think.

And FWIW, the kits used for marine tanks are much more accurate (and expensive) than those for FW.