We got our fishies!!!

Nov 9, 2008
YAY!!! I can't believe we finally finished cycling this blasted tank!!

We went to the store today and got a couple of plants (since my original ones died from the algae after the nitrates ran amok) and three glowlight tetras.

Here they are! (I hope if the image works!)

We added them to the tank, and one hid right away, and the other two hung out for a while. If all goes well, I figured we would add a couple more next weekend. Maybe yellow tetras and a catfish? Something that will help clean the tank? Any suggestions (we have a 20 gallon tank)?


Last edited:
Nov 9, 2008
You are right! They are glowlights - LOL I will edit the post too so others don't think there eyes are bad.

We will def get a couple more tetras, and what about an algae eater? I should be able to handle 3 more tetras and an algae eater with 25 gallons - right?

Nov 9, 2008
I think hardier is better since I am new to the hobby. I am trying to stay ahead of my curve, but don't want a fish to pay for me not knowing what I am doing.

Also, how long do you think i should wait to add more tetras?

6 glowlighttetras x 1.5 inches = 9 inches
1 pleco x 6 inches (adult size) =6
can I put in a few yellow tetras or shrimp, or what else?

Since I fully cycled the tank, I wonder how many i can add at once?


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Even though it's fully cycled I'd still add quite gradually to avoid any spikes. So with that plan you have about 15 gallons filled, you would easily get away with 6 lemon tetras if you want. You could add the new glowlight tetras I would think quite soon.. because they're not a huge bioload with only 3, they should be fine. Forgot to say before, nice set-up and nice fish :) and nice to see someone so well prepared!


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
You fishless cycled the tank which creates more bacteria than you need...therefore you shouldn't wait to stock the tank.

I definitely agree with getting some more glolights, since they are a schooling fish. I'd wait to get an algae eater unless you really have need for one right now. When you do decide to get one consider that a rubberlip or bushynose/bristlenose pleco instead of a common one. Ottos usually do well too and they stay smaller...you might look at them. Is your tank a 20 or a 25? You put 20 in the first post and 25 a little bit later :)

I think I'd probably get more like 8-10 glowlights (total) leave room for or get your pleco, and I love shrimp...you could get a handful of them :)

If you're going to stock slowly I would wait at least a week and watch the ammonia and nitrite levels. Don't add new fish unless you have 0 nitrites and 0 ammonia.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Looks good! I would suggest not getting any type of pleco unless you have algae issues which it doesn't look like you have right now. They are large waste producers and if you don't have algae you will need to feed it algae wafers daily since it won't have a food source. Unless you really love the way they look, why not look into getting a centerpiece fish? The glolights are pretty easy going so that would give you lots of options once you bump up the numbers in your current school. :)