We seem to have cracked it!


Small Fish
Dec 19, 2012
malvern uk
Good morning People!

After all the the heartache we had over dead fish and skyhigh nitrate and nitrite levels, we seem to have stability. After 14days of stability and zero ammonia and nitrite levels, we have added two Lyretail Guppies, or two Two Tails as my young son says, and two Platys to keep the singleton happy. We've lost one White Cloud minnow but, the minnows have been through all the appaling water condition, so it's not surprising.

The only bad news, is that our shop which has been ace, are closing and moving into a town 45mins away*thumbsdow. At least they are still around and they know me and I them, plus I have this forum.*thumbsups

Thanks for all the support and advice. It's been great:D Glyn.

Tank now has;

2 lyretail guppies.
2 leopard(?) guppies
5 White Cloud minnows
2 standard minnows
3 assorted Platys.