So I decided to tear down my 5g and set up with new substrate. My pH was at, like, 4.5 and even though I know fish adapt, it still seemed to be ridiculously low. Best guess is my substrate, the Fluval Stratum for shrimp tanks, was breaking down and it's 'slightly acidic' properties combined with my extremely soft tap water were driving the pH down too far. This stuff was gorgeous when I first set up the tank, but with spastic frogs knocking it around all the time, there was this permanent sooty residue on all my decor and plant leaves. So between the residue and the pH, it was time for a substrate change.
I was sifting through the old substrate and an inch of tank water, looking for any trumpet snails, and lo! see this wee little fry! Must be a killifish fry! How cool! This stuff never gets old for me - I love little life things in water! I'd seen my killis (aphyosemion australe) in spawning behaviour, and even think I found an egg in the moss once, but didn't think any fry were hatching - I guess this guy managed to hide from everyone so far! So . . . . now what? I've got to finish the tank and do some research, but anyone know anything about killi fry they can share with me?
I was sifting through the old substrate and an inch of tank water, looking for any trumpet snails, and lo! see this wee little fry! Must be a killifish fry! How cool! This stuff never gets old for me - I love little life things in water! I'd seen my killis (aphyosemion australe) in spawning behaviour, and even think I found an egg in the moss once, but didn't think any fry were hatching - I guess this guy managed to hide from everyone so far! So . . . . now what? I've got to finish the tank and do some research, but anyone know anything about killi fry they can share with me?