Week of the Fry


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
This has been the WIERDEST week so far. Thursday I took four guppy fry out of my 10G, then Friday I took 4 more out and left 2 to fend for themselves. (see my thread in the live bearers forum lol)

THEN TODAY I was doing a water change in my 15G Hex (Danios & Mollies) and was standing there looking at it after I was all finished when I saw something. I said "wow that looks like a fry" and as I looked closer a fish swam by and ate it. I was like...eh weird it couldn't have been a fry. I decided to look closer. Sure enough I saw another fry! But as it was swimming another fish swam by and ate it. So I said SURELY there aren't any more in there.

Looked in the back and saw another one. I decided to try and get it. I must have spent 20 minutes trying to catch that stupid thing. Digging down in the gravel etc etc. I finally got it, had to dig in the gravel for the little thing. I'm not sure that he's gonna make it...but he's safely in the tank with the other fry, so we'll see :)

I'm not sure what kind of fry it is...the mollies have been in the tank for less than a week and didn't look pregnant. The Danios usually do a good job of eating all of their eggs...but I do have lots of places for little fish to hide because my gravel is pretty large...so if some eggs didn't get eaten its possible that they hatched and the water change/gravel vac made them come out of their hiding places!