weird Film on Water

I have a ten gallon tank, with a hang on filter, 4 neon tetras 2 black mollies, and i have a weird cloudy/transparent film on top of my water, its like oil and water mixture looking, could anbody tell me why this is happening and how to fix it?

Dec 23, 2005
did you recently change your filter catridge? Most cartridges come with carbon which will release carbon dust into your tank which would make your tank cloudy. Is they film black as you said it was like oil. If so, the chances are its carbon dust. It is not "deadly" to your fish it just makes the water a little cloudy for an hour or two.


Small Fish
Jan 25, 2006
Southern Ontario, Canada
OMG I just saw something like this too, and I freaked, thinking it must be soap or something... I figured I or my honey forgot to rinse our hands really well before doing a water test or something, and I heard that soap is really really bad for fish.... and if it's not soap, it's gotta be something else bad, so I decided to see what I could do to get rid of it.

So I took my gravel vac, and skimmed off as much as I could, and it looks much better now (24 hours later, doesn't look filmy/soapy anymore). The trick was to let the plastic part of the gravel vac (or you can probably use any aquarium-friendly soap-free container) to just barely tip under the surface of the water, so the very top layer of water almost looks like it's getting sucked in. You will be able to watch the filmy layer as it goes in, just keep going until you can't see it anymore.

Now, that said, I am wondering whether "what I can't see, can hurt". Anyone else have more to add?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Usually people see that when they are feeding a food that is high in protein and doesn't have enough surface agitation.

Nothin to worry about, but you might want to work on the surface agitation.


Small Fish
Jan 25, 2006
Southern Ontario, Canada
Ohh, that's possible in my case.. I think it happened when I accidentally left the rain-bar dispersion level at "low" overnight (I turn it down at feeding time, and I must've forgotten to turn it back up again). Thanks (*sigh of relief!*)