Weird little creatures?!!?


Medium Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Saint Louis
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Ok guys, I have a minor problem. My tank has now been up for a good 5 months, had Oodinium that cleared the tank and killed everything but my Percula. Now my clown has gone through QT and back in my main tank and doing fine. I now have a flame angel and a small bubble anemone in QT for another 2 weeks, so I have a little time. I figured out all my algae problems, it was phosphate. So my last small problem is these tiny little creatures that I can only see with the aquarium light off but the room light on. If I look end to end on my tank, I see these tiny little nat looking creatures in the water, and there is a lot of them that can swim pretty fast. They don't seem to bother my clown or any of my crabs or snails, but I don't know if this is normal or something that needs to be rid. Anyone have any ideas what these things could be? Thanks