weird looking guppy!!


Small Fish
Sep 5, 2006
Hi all,
I have an orange guppy, we call her batman..or son named it!
It is orange..or was completely orange...but now..just in the belly is white??
It's belly is larger than it was..maybe it's pregnant..I don't know?
What could have caused this?
He/she went from being totally orange in colour to being orange with a white see-through belly??
Thanks in advance guys!
Sassie :confused: :confused:


Small Fish
Sep 5, 2006
Thanks so much! not from feeding--know for sure!

Thanks so very kindly for replying to me...I want you to know for sure that it's not at all from a's been this way for much too long to be from food!!
I'll try to get a pic of him/her and post it up fact I'll try to get pics of the 2, maybe 3 fish I think are prego!!
Thanks so much again!
I appreciate your thoughtfulness and time,

Nov 27, 2005
white belly sounds like some kind of disease. Pregnancy looks like a bunch of lil black dots in the area, not white. Possibly, he or she just has a white belly? Sexing your guppy is easy once they reach a certain age.


Large Fish
Dec 1, 2005
Omaha, Nebraska
kristar1982 said:
white belly sounds like some kind of disease. Pregnancy looks like a bunch of lil black dots in the area, not white. Possibly, he or she just has a white belly? Sexing your guppy is easy once they reach a certain age.
a few of my guppies and platies have developed white bellies during pregnancy. goes back to the black/orange color after it gives birth. is the fish swimming around the bottom of the tank in a wierd way , cause it may be dropsy, the belly swells and the fish sinks and dies :confused: . the best way to sex guppies is the following. if the anal fin is flowing then it is a female if it is tucked up tight then it is a male (accualy the fin tucked up is their gonopendium(spelling??) but thats pretty much their *****).


Small Fish
Sep 5, 2006
this fish must be prego!!!

Thank you kindly for answering my questions guys and gal!
This particular fish is definiately not swimming near the bottom of the tank...she/he is very playful and swims a lot and plays tag with another guppy friend!! *twirlysmi

That is so very interesting about the anal fin and the *****!*SUPERSMIL

Too funny..I had no clue about how one sexed their fish!
You all know quite a lot about fish, I'm very impressed!!
The tummy is almost see-through...well, a bit behind where the belly is totally white, it is completely see through. I can see this weird black thing sticking out from behind the white area?? May be just the way the fish looks..or it may be prego?
Who knows?
I guess I'll find out soon enough...or not!

Again , thank you for your replies, I appreciate the time each of you take to respond to me!
I am so new at this..I'm about to clean my tank..and I need instructions from the fish store!!!
It is safe I asssume to do that when you suspect pregnant fish, right??
I have heard that a change in the water may induce labour or may cause "miscarriage"....???not sure on that though..I'll have to ask the fish store lady!
Take Care all,
Thank you,
P.S. I am so tired, I',m not going to bother checking my spelling or forgive me on that please!!:*PEACE!*


Small Fish
Sep 5, 2006
I think they are Mollies too....not guppies??

Actually, my daughter has told me that she believes they are also Mollies..not Dalmation mollies, like my other 2 (one male, one female) but 2 orange mollies..I'm not certain what they are really question would be this...
Since I do have a male dalmation Molly in my tank..and all of the rest of my fishies are female..would the male dalmation molly mate with the Mollies that are different colours too?other coulred mollies too? Or would he stick to the dalmation molly only?

If he did not mate with the other 2..because it looks like I have 3 prego fish! (like really do have 3, no question about it actually!)....then, they obviously became prego at the fish store...
I say obviously as well..because these guys are not too good at telling the sex of the fish at the store..actuallt they really are bad at they also messed up with my daughter's Tetra's.
So then, it turns out that my daughter's Tetra is a male (the other 2 are female) is the same in the looks department as the male..the other female is a different Tetra..will she also become prego?

Will either of them become impregnated by the male Tetra?

Also, the female dalmation molly seems to be preparing for birth from what ya'll have told me...she is hiding in the tank..she has fought with the that his fin at the top of his body was as high as can was actually lovely to look at! Her body is changing..what I mean seems as though she has a small opening in her behind area and her pregnant, very pregnant belly is sort of moving downwards towards her bottom (bum!) ready is she..are we talking days here or hours??
Thanks all so very much!

Livebearers will interbreed no matter the variation: example

Dalmation Molly->Silver Lyretail Molly
Red Wag Platy->Coral Platy
Guppy->Well with another Guppy

Tetras do not get prego. The females will fill up with eggs and when they are ready to breed(usually in the morning) then the female will lay the eggs and the male will fertilize them.