Weird Orange growth!


Small Fish
Sep 18, 2009
I have been keeping fresh water tanks for sometime now but have never come accross an orange agle like this! it looks like there has been a sand storm in my tank! all my rocks pots and plants are covered with an orange colour! yet my glass is green!
does anyone no what this is or can tell my what i can do to get rid of it? or if there is a clean up crew i should invest in?! all i have in the tank is a tiger oscar! look forward to ur replys!


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Yes, parameters please. Could your water supply suddenly have an increase in iron content?

If it is algae, do a total blackout for a week. That should kill all algae in the tank. I would do a nice water change beforehand, and feed my fish well for a couple of days first.