weird problem


Small Fish
Mar 15, 2005
for the past month, my mollies have been acting strange. everytime i walk by the tank, which happens many times everyday, they all jump and scatter hitting the walls and other fish. they never use to do this before and i dont try to scare them or anything. it happens during the day and at night when the lights are off. i know once the mollies get older, they are more protective of their territory but they seem to get a long with the other fish just fine.
any ideas why they are so jumpy?

10 gallon tank
12 silver mollie(almost 5 months old)
2 guppies(about ayear old)


Large Fish
Apr 23, 2005
Austin, TX (born NYC)
My first guess is that your tank is over crowded for 10 gal. You are pushing the limit even with 2-inch rule which in my opnion is completely useless. IF your water paramters in accordance, do regular water changes, then my only other conclusion is that your tank is over crowded.