Weird question


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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Ok i have plenty of base rock in my tank (no water)..and it smells like smoke..why? 'cause there is a pyromaniac burning the hood down since last week and they didn't catch him. 2 days ago, 6 buildings were burned down with cars and all, and even with the windows closed, everything smells burned. So my question is: Is my rock completely obsolete or a good wash can do the trick? Smells a bit like rubber too, wich isn't looking good. Anyways should i be paranoid and ditch the rocks?
I won't buy anything until they catch that b@stard, yesterday he tried to burn the house in front of mine.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
wow sounds like a real treat. I would put some scrunched up newspaper in the tank with the rock. The paper will absorb any oders from the rock, but whether or not it has absorbed any would depend how much smoke you got in your apartment? I would think that running the rock in a tank by itself for a week or so you would be able to see if there was any leaching of chemicals....I doubt it absorbed anything...but I understand your concerns.


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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I got plenty, let's say i was 30 meters away. The police evacuated the perimeter..actually it was raining fire so plenty of wood felt down on my house and became ashes on the roof, ground, everywhere, leaving a lot of fumes..+ you couldn't see 3 meters away, the smoke was too strong. So let's say that the air was irritating in the apartment, and my flashlight clearly showed the smoke...but i will try the newspaper, tnx Lorna :)
The good thing is that my tank wasn't up and running!

Aug 10, 2009
since you don't have water in it, i would fill it til' it covers the rock, and then run a filter with plenty of activated charcoal, i dont think it would affect anything unless actual ash got in the tank then a good rinse would do good.


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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well if you want some infos, we think the guy decided it would be fun to burn new trendy apartments on the "plateau mont-royal". You could see the fire 4 km away, like on this youtube video : YouTube - Feu coin St-André et Roy à Montréal.
After 4 mn it started, the flames were 45 meters high, and 150 firefighters were there..after that a car exploded, and many burned/melted...and 6 buildings collapsed.
3 other suspect fires in the perimeter ( like 2 blocks away ) in a couple of days..
At 1 am yesterday i heard a girl screaming that a guy was burning down a garage, and we alerted everyone and run searching for a strange dude but i don't know if it was true.
The cops told us that this fire was controlled, but earlier they found a container burning 1 block away or so. The cops now are in stealth mode since yesterday, and arrest everyone walking alone at night to check up their indentity.
I dunno if the guy is really a pyro, or it's just a pissed of guy..the hood was a poor one during the 80's, and now it's THE trendy place to raised like crazy, it's not unusual to see a 2 bedroom for over 1200$ a month, when it used to be 300$.
Anyways just my opinion but we're all on "watch alert", and if the guy does it again and get caught by an angry mob it would be ugly. We are 12,475 habitants per km2, wich is very dense, and someone is ruining residential areas. Most people who lost their apartments next to the new condo that the guy burned had no insurance. Luckily it's raining outside, maybe we'll have a night off.