Welcome & Bala Shark Problem

Oct 1, 2009
Hi folks,

First of all this is my first posting on the forums and as such I would like to say a big hello to everyone.

I have a Bala shark in a communial tank and he has been happy there for about a year now.

He is about 3 inches long and I have noticed that he looks like he is loosing weight, he did look nicely proportioned and now he looks thin, making is eyes look bigger but not in a bulging way.

He dosn't seem as active now and prefers to stay sort of hidden at the back and bottm of the tank, no sign of any disease either.

I have tried searching for an answer but can't seem to find any common problem for its weight loss.

Any help would be very much ppreciated.



Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Bala sharks are schooling fish and should be in a group of at least 5 to be comfortable. If the tank is smaller than 55gallons, he may be suffering from having his growth stunted. That would account for the "bulging eyes" and getting "skinny". Could also be something up with your tank water, get tests for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate and see what they are, you can post the results here for feedback.

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
first i want to say welcome to the tank

i know they are schooling fish but i have had mine in my tank alone for 1 1/2 years and he is very active and large. he actually swims around with my albino rainbow shark all the time. i would honestly think it has something to do with the water parameters and would say go take your water and have it tested at one of your local LFS's. just my 2 cents worth.

i do want to add that also bala sharks "shouldnt" be kept in anything smaller than a 100g and like miss fishy said they need to be in a school to be completely happy and less stressed. i got mine before i knew this and when i was starting up. mine will eventually move to a much larger tank when i can get one if hes still alive by then.