Well Hello From Downunder

Jul 12, 2007
Melbourne Australia
Hi All,

My Name is Derek,

I live in Melbourne Australia (Its the capital of Victoria)

I have returned to tanks after a 18 year absence...

I have a 15G custom tank,
8 - Neon Tetras
2 - I know they are tetras, but forgot the species
1 - Otto
1 - Gold Fish
1 - Feeder
2 - Swordtail frys
2 - snails

Yes i know its crowded, but they have been happily living in there for near on 3 weeks now... btw tanks been established now for 5 months, had the goldfish in it, which is sad to say got a case of whitespot and is not eating much either.. (hence the bubbles in the tank, i loath bubbles and wife hate them too but a necessary evil).. so i am currently treating my tank.

Man things have seriously changed with fish tanks in the time i have been away, when i started my head was buzzing and still is, i am slowly getting my head around some of the new ideas/techniques..

When we (wife and I) was at the fish/pet store we saw a 6Ft x 2 FT X2 FT tank and now we want the tank...... hardwork i know, but i love a challenge.

Below is a pic of my tank as it stands... the plants are starting to grow, now i seen the moon light thing and am very interested in trying it hmmmm. at present i thas a custom made reflector with 1 6500k and 1 10000k light tubes.


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Jul 12, 2007
Melbourne Australia
Let me be the first to welcome you to myfishtank! you have a nice lookin' tank there, any questions just post a thread!
thanks a lot :) its given me the bug *celebrate again, it was a "kids project" but I took it over *thumbsups

I am pleased about the plants, tho i plan to buy a complete test kit this friday...
This is one of the most active fishtank forums i have found and i got some neat ideas. (custom c02 injection, moonlights.... :)

tho getting the wife to agree to a shark tank.. that will take some time.. /jking

I can't wait for the white spot treatment to end (4 days, another 6 to go... sigh...) so i can get rid of the bubbles and slow the current down in my tank to stop the plants being blowen over.

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Superstar Fish
Feb 1, 2004
middletown, CT
random... but...

your subject title made me smirk a little. i just got back from a colin hay show (singer from men at work) and he played the "i come from a land down under" song. awesome.

australians have the best accents.

welcome to the tank! :)