well it was a stressfull weekend to say the least


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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So, this was the weekend i planned to move my 40 gallon tank from my fathers basement to my 1 room apartment, everything started out fine sunday morning....took all plpumbing apart after draining and saving 90% of the water, put all the criters in a bucket with a heater and a power head, everything seems fine, get everything moved to the apartment, am setting up the tank put sand in and put the live rock in with minimal water in the tank, so then i get it filled about 3/4 of the way and my father notices that there is a slow leak coming from one of the drainage bulk heads, so immediately drain all water into 15 gallon containers and take the rock out, and look at the problem, the seal for the drainage bulkhead had split and there was also a small crack in the glass, whew glad i cought it when i did, must have happened at some point during the move while taking plumbing on and off, anyways i go out buy a new 40 gallon long that isnt plumbed so i am droping my total gallons from 60 to 40 but it is much better this way plus my girlfriend will feel better about it, so anyways i finally get everything in that tank and notice that the water in the 5 gallon buckets temp is pretty warm.....90 degrees,
so i immediately pull everything out and put them in the tank, prolly not the best idea but at this point i couldnt handle it anymore, so i think both my starfish are ok but my fancy tiger striped star has a small white thing which i think is a creature, but not sure, maybe parasite, it is about 5/8" long and 1/8" wide, and it looks like it has a bunch of little legs (like hundreds) and it is attached to the main body of the Tiger, the other starfish seems fine, so besides killing a few snails and a crab or two i think things will be ok, cant run the protein skimmer because the water is too cloudy with sand, so it just immiediately fills up, but i have 2 power heads running in the tank and levels are up a little bit but that is to be expected, nitrite 0.25, ammonia 0.50 nitrate between 10 and 20, PH is low high 7's but added ph buffer, salinity is 1.024, temp is 77 degrees, the tank has cleared significantly since sunday night, i should be able to turn the protein skimmer on tommorow maybe, well see, i just did a water change so we'll see what levels look like tommorow, i will keep everyone updated, also if anyone has any idea what that little white thing is and could clue me in that would be great, also everything with the 90 gallon at work is going great added 2 juvenile tangs 2 weeks ago and they are doing great seem to have paired off and levels are fine there was a slight jump, but besides that nothign really, will be adding more stuff in the next week or two,
p.s. sorry this is so long


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
sorry to hear about the drama. is your old skimmer going to work in a tank with no sump? if all else fails you can go with a hob overflow, not my ideal situation but perhaps better than nothing if it is something you want to have (a sump that is)

those nitrate levels are dangerous for your starfish

no idea about the possible parasite though...have you taken the starfish out to inspect more closely