

Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
welcome :) If its something specific you can start a thread about it and post it in the general freshwater section...or you can start a thread about your fish in the RMT section :) Wherever you'd like.

Thank you everyone... I'm sorry I haven't been posting.. I just finished some unpleasantness with my former site. I was personally attacked by the moderates behind my back and I found that unacceptable... I hope to be a productive member here.

I suppose I should introduce my self in greater detail... My name is John Stone (Encase you haven't figured it out by my user name ;)). I've been keeping fish for about 4 years now (on and off since I was 10), I've kept many different fish from African cichlids to loaches. I currently have 3 aquariums which I will go into greater detail below.

I have strong opinions on tank size, but I will never tell anyone they're wrong for suggesting a different size tank, but I will defend my suggestion as well. I try to only speak from what I've experienced my self, I don't guess and I try to be as thorough as possible.

The following are the fields of fish keeping I feel I'm strong in...
Live bearers
American fish (Angelfish, Tetras, Discus, Other Cichlids)
African Cichlids
Asian Fish (Loaches, 'Sharks" from the Epalzeorhynchus family and Rasboras).

The following are fields of fish keeping I'm working on...
Planted Aquaria
Rainbow Fish
Fish Photography

The following are fields of fish keeping I feel I am weak in...
Betta Breeding

My Current Aquariums
Heavily Planted
2 Penguin 330s
20% Water Changed Every Other Day with 50/50 RO/Tap Water
130Watt PC Lights (10k/6700k)
14 Neon Tetra
13 Cardinal Tetra
8 Rummy Nose Tetra
4 Guppies
2 Black Veil Angelfish
10 YoYo Loaches
2 German Blue Rams
1 Candy Stripe Pleco
1 Red Tailed Shark (My Favorite Fish)

30G Long
70Watt Standard Flouros (10k/5k)
1 Penguin 170
Same as above
1 Firemouth Cichlid
4 Snails
10 Kuhlii Loaches

Eclipse Filter
Same as above
Incandescent Bulb
No fish

I guess that says it all about me... I hope to help someone soon.

Thank you,
John Stone

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