Went shoping Today


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Went to Mobile Alabama today about an hour from my house, they have two SW stores there. We got to go to one, the other didn't open till late, we will catch that one the next time. Anyway, we bought two pieces of LR, both kinda flat looking types for the top of the tank, I think I have the Aqua Scaping done now, Pic below. Went to my LFS Saterday and my numbers were alot better, the Nitrite number that was at 40 the last time was down to 10, or thats what he told me anyway. He let me get two fish for the tank, one I think is a Wrasse and the other a Blenny, I think a sailfin Blenny. He's a trip, watches you all the time, I was moving LR around this afternoon putting the last two pieces in the tank and I had to keep shooing him off.

Both fish are in the bottom pic, the Blenny is on the bottom below the Wrasse, hes hard to see.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
The Pic dosn't show it very well, but the caves I have made (all but one) are very airey, most of them you can go from one cave to the other, I am happy with the way its turned out. I have it kinda terraced from top to botton so that I can work my corals down diff. levals towards the bottom. Its alot of LR, I know, will most likely cut down on the number of fish I can have but I wll be able to have the main ones I want and still have the corals I want, I think, lol , we will see.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
This is a 125g tank, and thats about 235 pounds of LR. I Have 6 pieces in the tank that are 12 to 15 pounds apiece. The Lg pieces helped me be able to give it that airey look to the tank. The down side is, you give up alittle growth on some of the larger pieces of LR, but they will color up nicely the more they sit in the tank.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I love the aquascape and the fish will no doubt love it too. That rock has pretty good color on it given the time you have had it. Those are a couple of nice fish and will be great community fish. Flasher wrasses are great and you can have more than one......I can't really get a good look at the blenny. They are interesting fish, keep an eye and make sure you don't get any spike with the new rock and fish given that your nitrites weren't quite zero yet.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I think the levels will really go down now, the last five pieces of LR I got had alittle growth on them, my skimmer is hardly getting anything now, I think that might be a good thing. The LR is just stacked on one another, but its solid and not going anywhere. I got a really good deal on about half of the LR, so it didnt cost as much as you might think.