Went to the LFS again today


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Went to pick up my Midas Blenny, :mad: he didn't come in, they sent a Canary Blenny instead *SLEEPING*, I didn't buy it, they didn't looks as good as the Midas IMO. But, I wasn't about to come home empty handed, lol. I got this fish my wife likes, I really didn't care to much about it at the time, I don't know what its called, it is on the front half of its body, bright yellow and the back half is purple, hes small, not big at all. He was using a little cave in the base of one of the biggest pieces of LR in the tank, not a cave I made, one that comes natural to that piece of LR, anyway at the top of this small cave (which I didn't know was there) Is a tunnel that goes all the way thru the rock and comes out the top of the LR. He found this and kept going thru this tunnel, acting like he had really found something, it was funny to watch. I told my LFS man that although the fish I had were nice, I was wanting to get a fish with just alittle bit of size to it. He walked around the store looking, telling me you can't have that one, or that one or that one either, then he found one he said I could have. He called it a Foxface, its yellow on the back half of its body with a black spot in the middle of the yellow area. Its a nice looking fish, I would say he is med. in size. I also got two cleaner shrimps, they have a red strip down the center of their backs and are only about an inch and a half long, maybe a little bit shorter. That makes three shrimp in the tank, we got a red banded shrimp the last time we went to the store. I am reminding you of this for a reason, lol. We were sitting here watching the new members to the tank, let me back up a bit, sorry. This red banded shrimp never comes out of the LR, it stays in the caves, if you want to see him, you really have to look hard to find him. Anyway the LFS gave me some frozen brine shrimp to feed the fish tonight, he told me to feed the pellets in the morning and the brine shrimp at night, and tonight was the first time I had fed the brine shrimp. This red banded shrimp must really like the brine shrimp, he was out trying to get his share. The wife and I start looking at the other newbes to the tank, now back to where I look up, I see our Red Banded shrimp plastered all over the side of one of my power heads. I jump up and try to get him loose but all I did was make it worse, slrup, there he goes, the power head eats him up and spits out looking like a food chopping machine. I told my wife that figures, the darn shrimp never comes out and the first time he does the @#%& power head eats him. Then about fifteen min. later my wife tells me she thinks she sees three shrimp in the tank. I think that because my wife didn't go to one of the better high schools in our area like I did, that she might not be able to count to two because thats all the shrimp we had left in the tank, so I come to look. Sure enought there are three in the tank, I am like, whats going on here. I called the LFS man, HE HAD A BIG LAUGH, He said that what got slurped thru the power head, was the shrimp had molted, and that was his old shell, needless to say I felt kinda stupid, we didnt know they molted. Now, on to what else we got today, we got some corals, we bought a tree coral, its small only about an inch long, we got a toad stool, now this is a nice size, its 3 to 4 inches across at the wideist part, we also bought a Colt coral (I think thats what he called it). Well that just about covered my day, I was at the LFS store about 5 hours today, the plane that brought the corals and fish was late and I wasn't going to drive home and then drive back, I did go to Office Depot to check on a new monator for our puter and get rid of this boat anchor we have now.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
okay here is my advice....for what it is worth. The bi-color pseudochromis and the royal gramma look very very much alike. Make sure what fish it is that you have as their temperments are very very different. The psuedichromis are known to be aggressive and will harrass other fish whereas the royal gramma is usually very shy and a very nice addition to a community tank. The foxface is a nice fish, it is a vegetarian though you will see it eat mysis shrimp and pellets but it needs vegetable matter in it's diet. Mine loves nori sheets which I buy in the asian food dept of the grocery store....I tear a piece off and attach it to the algae clip and the tang and foxface tear into it. One sheet at least once a week. I also buy dried algae from the lfs....and sometimes if I am out I will give them arrrrghhhhh romaine. (though not often) Your lfs did advise you that the foxface is venomous didn't he? The spines along the dorsal can give a nasty sting.......Your coral choices are all good beginner soft corals. They will grow fast if conditions are right and you will be able to cut them back and share them with others. I would hesitate before buying any more soft corals as they are known to release chemicals into the water in a warfare with other corals. It is called chemical aleopathy and these soft corals release chemicals that are toxic to other corals. This can be reduced by running carbon if it becomes a problem. Check out Soft Corals for info on soft corals.

You should now be researching each addition prior to adding to ensure you aren't creating a problem with your existing inhabitants. Sounds like you are on your way....you should post a pic of your new additions....


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I will post a pic tonight, the wife took about 100 last night. LFS didn't tell me about the fox face being a vegetarian, but he was busy, all his customers new the shipment was coming in and they were all there waiting to claim what came out of the bags. He just sells fish and its a small shop, real small, and there were about 20 of us in there. I will go get some nori sheets today. If that psuedichromis gives me any problems, hes history, we will see, I only am getting about four, sorry five more fish. Yellow Tang, Gold Stripe Maroon Clown mabe be two of these, Midas Blenny, Blue Tang. After that, we will see how the tank is doing.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
My foxface doesn't touch mysis. He'll eat pellets and nori, though. Just watch out where he is when you're doing tank maintenance to make sure he doesn't spike you. Apparently the sting is about as bad as a bee sting, and isn't generally lethal to you (unless you have a bad allergic reaction). You'll need the nori/pellets for your tangs anyway.

It would be a good idea to get one of the Scott Michael books to ID fish when you go shopping. The Reef Fishes and Marine Fishes are both good. It's a smallish book you can easily take with you when you go to the store. It gives enough information to let you know about the fish.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Lotus, I have that book, I didn't have it with me at the time, I was planning on only coming home with my Midus Blenny, which didn't happen. As far as ordering more corals, sad to say, I ordered some about 3:00 AM this morning, check my post, Coral site, it will tell you what I ordered. If you would look over what I ordered and tell me if there is any thing special I need to know in reguards to what I ordered. It will be about three weeks before I get those corals to my house, if that helps.