I was doing a google search on peaceful fish and stumbled across this from cichlidrecipe.com:
"Copadichromis - "Utuka". Very similar to the Peacocks, although they are plankton feeders. From Lake Malawi. They are also very peaceful, and polygamous mouthbrooders, and, like most fish which reproduce this way, do best in large groups or 1m/2f trios. With care they can be kept in tanks as small as 20 gallons, although they usually do better in something 30+. The larger species (C. quadrimaculatus, C. borleyi ) do better in tanks 55+. Only males develop bright colors. (Formerly Haplochromis)"
Now the thing that grabbed my attention was that it said that Copadichromis species are very peaceful
Is this true? An African Cichlid that's peaceful??
When they say peaceful do they mean community with smaller fish peaceful? Or peaceful with other Africans?
Also i was wondering if they get aggressive when spawning?
"Copadichromis - "Utuka". Very similar to the Peacocks, although they are plankton feeders. From Lake Malawi. They are also very peaceful, and polygamous mouthbrooders, and, like most fish which reproduce this way, do best in large groups or 1m/2f trios. With care they can be kept in tanks as small as 20 gallons, although they usually do better in something 30+. The larger species (C. quadrimaculatus, C. borleyi ) do better in tanks 55+. Only males develop bright colors. (Formerly Haplochromis)"
Now the thing that grabbed my attention was that it said that Copadichromis species are very peaceful
Is this true? An African Cichlid that's peaceful??
When they say peaceful do they mean community with smaller fish peaceful? Or peaceful with other Africans?
Also i was wondering if they get aggressive when spawning?