What a find!!


Large Fish
May 7, 2006
Winter Haven Florida
Well actually "found" it a few weeks back. My fiance's aunt told us she had a hexagonal tank left at the house she moved out of. So we figured what the heck another free tank. Well we got there and looking at it then i guessed it was a 30-40 gallon tank, incredibly diry filled with stagnant water. As we were looking more i saw the two filters there, one being a magnum HOT 250. So i said ehh not bad. Then behind it was a rena xp3 heh, although at the time i didnt know it was a xp3. So after about 2 weeks worth of cleaning(well me cleaning) the tank, which we planned was going to be my fiances' new cichlid tank it was ready to be setup. Well then came the problem of no stand. So i decided with my fiance well lets do this cheap as possible since we are on such a budget, lets build one heh. All together we built the stand for around 20 bucks. My brother in law and parents had all the supplies minus a few. So now the tank is filled, on its stand, cycling with over 50lbs of rocks heh and some nice black dirt. Whew, feel like i just wrote an essay. Pictures to come soon also =)