WHAT about this?

Aug 3, 2006
Ok I also Have a 2.5 gallon tank, Can I put one fish in there (goldfish), without a aerator of filter, I have heard that goldfish can live without a aerator. On my other forum (my kinda new 10 gallon tank) someone suggested taking the fish back to the store, like Petco? And if so, what would you suggest carrying them in?

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Igor The Cat

Superstar Fish
Jul 14, 2003
Seattle, Washington
a gold fish is not suited for anything less than 20gal. with heavy filtration, they can live in a 2.5 with no filtration in the same manner hat you can live in a tiny closet with no toiletry. the rule for oldfish is 2ogal for the first then 10 gal for every extra ones. you COULD put a betta in there if you have a small filter and heater, but i wouldnt put a betta in anything smaller than a 5gal.

if you wish to return hey fish you purchased i would bring them together in a 5 gal bucket, and if it is a long journey then a battery powered air pump and airstone. also dont feed them for 24 hours before so that the water will stay as clean as possible.




Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
I think a betta would be just fine in there, get a good filter and I think 2 platties would be OK as long as you keep up on water changes, live plants would help as well. Shrimp is a great idea, maybe an ADF, 2 male guppies, 1-2 Otos, something like that. Obviously not all of them, but any 1 of those should be OK. I would think if you went with live plants, you could do a few cherry shrimp and 1-2 ottos OR the shrimp and 1-2 male guppies/platties and be just fine with regular water changes and a decent filter. That's what I'd do with it anyway if not a betta.


Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
try to get dwarf platties though...my platties have grown and there gettin big...2.5 might be to small for a full grown female platy :p , so i would just get dwarfs (if u can find some...and u want platys)


Medium Fish
Jun 20, 2005
Southeastern Michigan
Wouldn't suggest keeping the goldie.

As for returning a fish, do you still have the bag the pet store gave you the fish in? I wouldn't put fish into a bucket, just because of the way I drive. Too much a chance of them hitting their bodies on the side and dying. If you drive better, go with the bucket, making sure you have a net or lid over it, so the fish won't get scared and jump.