what are the signs for an old betta?


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
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Can anyone tell me what are some signs of a betta getting really old and it's almost time for him to go?

I've been keeping Casper for 2+ years now.. and recently he seems to be less active than before. He also seems to have problem eating - he can't seem to focus on the food; and seems to have problem swallowing the food... He's still eating though... he can eat smaller bits.

I think he's getting really old :(:(



Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Old age symtoms in bettas:

1. Less Active
2. Duller Color / Faded
3. Loss of Apatite / Less Apatite

It might be that is vision is getting worse ... just check to see if his eyes are clear or not.

I know Casper is an opaque, so color loss is going to be harder to tell.

His immune system will be a little weaker, so keep the water cleaner and the temperature steady around 78F.

I've seen a 4 1/2 year old betta, he died earlier this summer and was pretty much active till the end... so its sometimes hard to tell.

Hope this helps :(


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
having him for 2 years you must of grown pretty close :(

But it sounds like Cas has had a better life than most bettas, and i'll bet he'd thank you for it if he could. :(

ouchie.. im so sorry mcshell, i know how you feel. ive had a favourite betta (also cellophane) taken from me. and you loved cas so much too! it was great when you spoke so much about him, but now all we'll hear are memories, just remember, Cas is happy that he's actually able to be a good father with the help of a good friend (friend sounds better than owner). just remember, not all bettas are able to get help in raising their young like you did with cas and his batch!