What are these black spots on my fish? (picture enclosed)


Large Fish
May 31, 2003
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Hi everyone. I've been browsing the board for about 3 weeks now and sure learnt a lot.
I setup a 20 gallon long tank and right now it's still going through the cycle (which I didn't know existed at first). My three gold fish are down to one. I kept removing my power filter cartridge for medications (ich) not realizing I was pulling out the media area where the bacteria would want to start colonizing.

So finally I pulled out everything (except the water) and I installed an under gravel filter in addition. I was told this would draw water through the gravel and give the floating bacteria buddies a place to attach and live. Well I guess they were right because within 48 hours my ammonia droped to 0ppm. That was 5 days ago. Right now my nitrite is around 2-5ppm (hard to read those color charts). I expect within another 5 to 10 days it should drop (yes I'm adding cycle if it's worth anything to try and speed it up).

OK so now right in the begining my fish broke out in ich (two weeks after getting them). I got that cleared away with Mardel. It contains malachite green and chitosan. It's supposed to clear ich, velvet, and parasites. It how ever did nothing for these black spots that starting appearing on my fish a week or so after the ich cleared up. They got real bad until he started looking like a black fish.

He darted around all weird, rubbed himself on stuff. His fins were clentched up on his body, the fins were ragged and nasty looking, he'd just sit in a corner and do nothing. Else he'd swin directly into my power filter's outlet (not moving) as if to try and get lots of water through his gills. Quit eating.

So anyhow I try this "parasite clear" by Jungle. It did remove most of them and his fins healed, there are sticking out again. He's active, wants to eat (no food going in though till the nitrite drops). But there are still some black dots on him as seen in the picture.

Does anyone know what those black dots are for sure? Are they anchor worms? because that's the only thing the instructions say to treat for 3 weeks.

Sorry for the extra long first post but I tried to give a background on what's happening with the tank.

Thanks guys



Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
the UGF wouldve have done the drop in ammonia, i bet it was just the cycle that youve been working on all along and the ammonia cycle finally finished, even if you install the UGF there is still no more bacteria then before you installed it, IMO there is no reason for an UGF, there are much better filters on the market now a days, also you should be feeding, not feeding will stop the cycle because no waste will be being produced, that couldve also cause dthe drop in ammonia, if no waste is being produced, no ammonia is being made, meaning no nitrites are being made also which means all teh bacteria you have will die because of no food, id try to find some Bio Spira by marineland, that will add bacteria to the tank, for the spots parasite clear should clear them up id do another treatment but do it until you see no more spots, often the medicines will only recommend a few days but longer is usually necessary to kill parasites in all stages of the life cycle


Large Fish
May 31, 2003
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Originally posted by SoulFish
the UGF wouldve have done the drop in ammonia, i bet it was just the cycle that youve been working on all along and the ammonia cycle finally finished, even if you install the UGF there is still no more bacteria then before you installed it, IMO there is no reason for an UGF, there are much better filters on the market now a days
I know the under gravel filter doesn't produce anymore bacteria but with my power filter's cartridge removed there was no surface area for the bacteria to colonize. It's my under standing the UGF draws fresh oxygenated (sp) water through the gravel and the free floating bacteria then have surface area (the gravel) to attach themselves and start replicating or what ever they do.

Now I'm no fishy expert, that's just the way I understood it. Hopefully that cycle I'm adding is indeed helping.

As for the UGF not been the best, well I wish I'd seen the power filters with the bio wheels before I bought mine. I think I may just move my power filter to a 10 gallon hospital/quarentine tank and get a new PF with a bio wheel for my main tank. I think for now I'll just keep the UGF to keep some biolgical filteration going and if it ever becomes a problem I'll pull it.

What you say about the feeding makes sense. I get mixed results when asking people (including accomplished fish owners)? I think I'll continue small feedings till the nitrite drops. BTW the ammonia droped while I was still giving small feedings so I know that part of the cycle completed.

Now if my nitrite would just drop and those black spots would just go away my fishy will be much happier :)

Thanks guys


Large Fish
May 31, 2003
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Originally posted by BigCiX
when adding medicine are you suppose to move to carbon as prescribed on the bottle. will it hurt if you dont
Most of the medications I've seen say to remove carbon filteration at time of medication. Since carbon is for chemical filteration I'd say it's safe to say the carbon will absorb all the medication before it gets to do much. That's why the say to remove it.


Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2003
western canada
Originally posted by MalcolmV8
...I know the under gravel filter doesn't produce anymore bacteria but with my ....
Originally posted by SoulFish
... even if you install the UGF there is still no more bacteria then before you installed it...

I'm curious to know where you get this conviction.

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Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
UGFs do not come loaded with bacteria, if you put one in you still have the same amount of bacteria as before, it will make it so bacteria can colonize in the gravel and under it but it will not instantly make more bacteria, it still has to reproduce


Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2003
western canada
Understood, but anyone reading that may misinterpret it.
So for the record, an undergravel filter system does, in fact increased the amount of N.Bacteria, but not instantly.

I just wanted to clarify cuz I had a friend who read this thread and thought that U/G did'nt do anything.
