what are these white circles

War Eagle

Small Fish
Sep 5, 2008
Cumming, Georgia
I've been searching the site and my brain because I kinda remember someone asking a similar question a while back but I can't find it. I have some very small white circles on my backwall and rocks that I can't figure out what they are. They are less than 1/16 of an inch in diameter. They kind alook like a worm that has made itself into a circle, meaning that it is not a complete circle, there is a beginning and end that do not touch. They flake off and don't seem to move. It started as just a couple and now there are probably 100 that I can see. I removed my pump to clean it yesterday (bio cube) and there were some on it, so they are appearing in lighteed as well as dark areas. Does anyone have any idea wha tthis is? Harmfull? They are too small to get a picture.

Like I said I think someone has asked about this before but I can't find the thread, maybe someone can just point me to it if you were the one asking.