What can I do with this


Large Fish
Jul 11, 2006
Syracuse, Ny
id say u could get away with 3 if u dont mind a bit of cleaning and such ... those cory cats get to be 2 inch thats 6 inch and the beta is like 3 inch or 4? so that by rule of thumb is enough but if u must have a schooling fish neeon tetras id say 3... or 4... my 3 school very nicely

or u could get anouther 1 inch tetra but nothing over an inch and not more then 3... id say anymore than that may mean more problems then its worth also tetras have been said to nip at long tails

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Igor The Cat

Superstar Fish
Jul 14, 2003
Seattle, Washington
okay, now please completely disregard DclownD's post as the "inch per gallon" rule DOES NOT WORK! okay! ackk the redundances this forum presents

soo..anyway you could add 4 neons if you wish, but personally i feel that it is already fully stocked, but thats just me


Likes: JWright
Aug 4, 2006
I'd go with 6 harlequin rasboras. The cories shouldn't stay in the 10g forever because they get too large. Albinos are one of the largest cories and get to 3 inches. You'll need to move them to a bigger tank eventually.

I have 6 harlies and a male betta in my 10g and it works out nicely.

If you go with neons, get 6. They do much better the more you have. 6 would be the max for your tank though.

Aug 4, 2006
Females can get 3 inches
Planetcatfish says 3 inches
This site says 3 inches

They grow slow though...and it probably does depend on the breeding, but they can get up to 3 inches. Even a 2-2.5 inch cory doesn't belong in a 10g....20g bare minimum IMO. They are shoaling and would feel more comfortable with more (6+).

If you go with harlequins...get atleast 4. 3 is not a group, its a trio. Schooling fish do better the more you have. Make them happy!

Igor The Cat

Superstar Fish
Jul 14, 2003
Seattle, Washington
actually neons by breed are very hardy, the only time of question is if they need drastic alcimation, the reason some neons arent very hardy is simply due to inbreeding.

but i still think it is a bad idea to add anyhing more to the tank.
