What can i fit in a 200L tank?

Jan 5, 2010
I am about to upgrade my tank. :D
I'm hoping to get one around 200L. I currently have 2 angels, 2 platys and 1 dwarf gourami.

What else is likely to get on well with the above and be interesting to watch?

I'm so excited! I've had my first and only tank for 10 months and i've really got the bug!! :cool:


Large Fish
Aug 13, 2010
Well, you've got some experience and a larger tank coming, so some Ram Cichlids might work, if you have soft water and a neutral pH. They're pretty rad.

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
That is 53 gallons. Definitely add the angels to the tank because they will grow too large for a tiny 54 L tank. Try aqadvisor.com for stocking suggestions.
Make sure you do a fish-less cycle with your new tank. Assuming your old tank is cycled, you can use pieces of filter media, gravel or rocks from your old tank to help start the bacteria in your new tank. Do you own a liquid test kit for ammonia, nitrate and nitrite? You will need one if you want to cycle and maintain both of your tanks.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Here's what I'd do. I'd leave the dwarf gourami and platies in the 54 litre, get a few more platies (say around three or so), about 5 harlequin rasbora (or similar small tetra) and about 6 pygmy cories.

Move the angels to the 200 litre and add a couple schools of non-nippy tetras (neons, black neons, Von Rio), a school of cories for the bottom (depends on what you like and what color substrate you have...I have peppereds in my 29gal, an albino in my 55gal and a panda in my 20gL), and maybe a bristlenose pleco (albino or regular...or another similar smaller pleco).

Jan 5, 2010
I have a liquid testing kit and know all about cycling, recently successfully started a small tank for my mum too. :)

I am planning on keeping the small tank for quarantine/spare. The main reason i am upgrading is for the Angels. They are 3" at the moment and need more space. I'll check out the bristlenose, but was also thinking of some upside down catfish.
My research suggested that neons/cardinals are an angel's natural diet so i'll avoid those!!

So maybe i'd have 4 angels, 6 platys, a dozen of something else and a catfish or 2. How does that sound?
Thinking of live plants too, i have 1 Java fern at the moment. Will plan plants after i have chosen the fish.