what can i put with my tiger barbs??????

hey guys i have 7 tiger barbs and all im reading is how aggressive they are and what not to put with them i have them in a 300L tank all by them selfs so um can anyone suggest what I can put with these aggressive guys? i want to put neon tetras, a few bristle noses, and other barbs oh and kribenses are any of these able to go in the tank with my tiger barbs????


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
neons sound fine.. I would only do 1 bn though, they are known to be somewhat territorial. If you have enough caves they'd probably be ok.
Not sure on the kribs, I'm pretty sure theyre quite peacful but I'm gonna let somebody else answer that one :)
Generally tiger barbs are fine as long as they are in a school of 6+.


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
Why would they be feeders? My neons are actually quite big, like 2". And kribs are what, 4"? I know somebody who has rummynose tetras (they are TINY, like 3/4") with a pair of full-size kribs and an oddly large corycat (also 4") and they haven't been eaten yet, and they've been together for a year. So, you're probably okay :)
Sorry if that sounded rude, nanu, wasn't meant that way... we all know how hard it is giving expression in your messages :/


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; I had ten tiger barbs with 5 serpae tetras, 4+ cherry barbs, 4 kuhli loaches, 4 cory catfish, several varities of zebra daino together for several years. The tigers control whatever area they choose to be in, but have not damaged the other tank mates. This combination has been fine forr several years. Don't know about neons with them as I have not tried that mix.

I have kept kribensis many times and feel they will do well with tigers. A male kribensis will very likely stake out a territory and defend it with help from a female if present. With over 75 gallons, unless it is very deep, there should be ample room for this and space left over for the other fish. They will chase other fish out of an area. They will also dig a nest in the substrate, generally under some form of structure. I would likely put some sort of structure in opposite corners and let them pick. This might limit the territory to one part of the tank. A pair are likely to mate in a community tank. You can also keep rooted plants with them as they do not up root them like many other cichlids


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
I mean maybe they won't but basically anything that has any aggression in its personality is likely to eat a neon.

Honestly I have never had much luck in keeping them to be quite honest.

If you have a freak fish that is friendly when their species is not, or is smaller then expected we can't really use that as the norm.

Kribs can be super chill or nasty little buggers, honestly with anything from the cichlid family you have to watch for aggression issues. (this includes angels, rams, africans, SA/CA etc etc etc) Lots of them are sweet as pie... some of them are butt holes...

so my plane is to put tiger barbs in my tall 200L tank and have all other fish in my other 2 tanks (a 300L and a 250L) that way i can have a barb tank and i really want a krib and saw a female krib who already lives in a tank with barbs so might get her :) also i think the rosy barbs and albino barbs look wicked o0o0o0o... and ive always wanted a silver shark but not sure about him in a tall tank and i wont put neons in as they are just to cool to lose :D thank you so much everyone i love this site you all have helped me heaps with all my tanks


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
I learned this from aakaakaak.

Don't EVER trust your lfs, they are monkeys (or something like that. aak, please correct me!! I can't remember!!)

And notice how (most of the time) the creepier the people are at a lfs, the more they now about fish. My lfs knows what tanks I have and what I have in them. They help me out a lot, since I volunteer there.