What Cichlids can I have in a 10g tank?

Feb 16, 2005
Ive been looking at some cichlid profiles on the main page, specifically i like the Electric Yellow . I've read up on water chemistry and i look to be doin alright (ph is a bit high i think 7.9 right now but iheard cichlids like high ph). Water temp is around 79. As i mentioned in the title its a 10g. Also i was thinking about throwing a couple (3 to 4) neon tetras or some other small fish to hang out and stuff. Any suggestions, comments are appreciated, Thanks.


Large Fish
Nov 12, 2004
Montreal, Canada
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well 10g is just tooo small for rigt lake cichlids. That being said the yellow lab is the most docile and smaller of the lake malawi cichlids. I really dont think you could pull off 1-2 in a 10g and you definetely could not put tetras in the tank with african cichlids as the pH requirement is drastically different between the two fish.

Mind you, a 10g would be better maybe for a planted tank with a few tetras and maybe 1 apisto (dwarf cichlid which tolerates same pH as tetras)


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
While I have seen people pull of yellow labs in 10 UK gallons it would be a real struggle in 10 us gallons, plus hex tanks aren't very spacey either compared to a regular rectangle. So I would say any mbuna cichlid is right out.
Basically most cichlids won't work in your tank. It's too small, and the lack of space will mean the fish becomes very aggressive with frustration. You could try some of the dwarf cichlids though like apistogramma, maybe a pair kribs, nothing bigger than 2 or 3 inches adult size though

Sep 21, 2004
Grand Blanc, MI
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Thats funny, I guess we were thinking the same thing, I was just thinking about putting a few half inch neons in my 55 gallon tank filled with 4 inch africans..No, you cant put neons or tetras with africans, not only because of the water qualities, but the neons or tetras would get killed in like 2 minutes...I bet you could put an african in a 10 gallon, but most likely only one or two..I wouldnt imagine it would be too good for them..


Small Fish
Mar 1, 2005
"I wouldn't imagine it would be too good for them" is a definate understatement. 10 gallons is not nearly adequate for most of the Rift lake Cichlids, especially if talking Mbuna. I know 'cuz a buddy of mine once tried it (against my suggestions). He put a Ps Acei, a Convict, a Red Zebra and a very beautiful Cynotilapia Afra Cobue. They were ok for about a day. In under 2 weeks he had a lone Cynotilapia. I talked him out of said fish and he now resides happily in a 55g and is still top dog. These are fish that naturally claim territories in the wild. They are very active fish, they are vicious with rivals and to have 2 in the same tank they would compete for everything, food, space shelter. Not only that but the bioload on the filter would be really heavy once they started maturing, even for a good high flow filter. They would probably not lead very long lives. Maybe try some Tanganyikan shellies, some of the smallr Julies or the Multis would be good. Or you could go the American route and try some Rams or Apistogramma something.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
If you really like the striking look of cichlids but have a small tank to work with right now then I suggest Blue Rams. Mine are actually much more color intense than even the one shown here. The males develop a lot of irridescent blue markings and deep oranges and blues all over. These guys only grow to about 2 inches in length and are good community fish. I have mine in with all types of FW fish with no problems.



Large Fish
Nov 20, 2003
North Dallas, Texas
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PH Balance?????

The tetras would get eaten in about 2 minutes.

I had two very large and quick ghost shrimp and a decent size danio....

the shrimp lasted a day, and the danio about two weeks... I usually skip two days of feeding every other week, so that the fish will help clean up the tank with the crew.... but they cleaned out the danio that day. Danios are pretty quick.... tetras are slow and small... perfect feeders...

I got super lucky that my fish paired off and get along, but they get big pretty quick and in a ten gallon you will have to clean it way too much, Mine are getting a 55 gallon in a few weeks after I move. But three months was a close call and a pain in the butt... way too much for the filter.

I have two little caves on opposite sides and the bottom half is heavily planted, with the top half open water... this helped them define territories, but I think after researching that any other set of cichlids would have killed each other....

Last edited:
Oct 4, 2004
Wirral, UK
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NoDeltaH2O said:
If you really like the striking look of cichlids but have a small tank to work with right now then I suggest Blue Rams. Mine are actually much more color intense than even the one shown here. The males develop a lot of irridescent blue markings and deep oranges and blues all over. These guys only grow to about 2 inches in length and are good community fish. I have mine in with all types of FW fish with no problems.

You can't go wrong with the Blue Rams as they are my favourite fish in my Cichlid tank. In with them I've also got 2 Bolivian ram and a couple of golden rams which all get on great. No problems with the Gourami's and catfish in the same tank which is very good as heard some Ramsa and catfish don't get on as they both can be bottome dwellers.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
It's good to see support for the Blue Ram. Here is a pic of mine.

and another shot

These guys beat my Dwarf Gouramis as "most colorful fish" in the tank. In other light they appear mostly deep Tropicana orange under the blue spots