What could i use?


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2003
ontario, canada
Visit site
Hmm well i got some spare dollars laying around and i usually like to spend on new gizmos or what not for my tanks. So im wonderin what you sugguest i still need for my setup cuz i might still have some flaws in it.

inhabitants are a JAck Dempset and Convict with a rubber pleco

35 gallon tank
200 watt Tronic heater
2 AC 150 Filters
1 Modified Bio-Filter with sand in it for bacterial growth
Decor is how i want it
I got a large jsut of carbon
enough Tap Water Conditioner
Test Kit

Anything i could use, i might not have listed everything.


Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
Maby not so much as what you will need but what you want hehe. You know what i do when i cant think of anything eles to add?

Get a new aquarium hehe. Right now im in the middle of setting up a 55gal mbuna cichlid tank heh its fun but also can cost some money so depending on how much extra cash you got laying around i would suggest a new tank :)

Theirs so many diffrent types of tank setups its not funny. Just for a few ideas on tank setups here is a few i have. Fiddler crab tank with half water half land, asian theme with asian fish and plants, mbuna cichlids, cory tank with sand and a few plants. The choice is yours so be creative ;)
