What disease is this? See picture..

Please check out the picture and see if you can help me figure what this is.

All my fish that die, die for different reasons, so I'm totally lost as to whether the tank is infected and I should medicate, or if something else is going on.

Here are posts I made somewhere else before it's death.

Probably went on a couple weeks..

I had noticed that my female platy looked like it's scales were turning white.. but now it looks like its rotting or something, and if it keeps going I'll be able to see inside it.

The platy doesn't look like it's redened or anything. Mostly her scales on her belly first turn white then look like they are getting eaten away. one side is worse then the other. I don't notice anything on the back, it's mostly on the sides around the belly, and I don't notice anythign on the mouth or gills.

However, I did notice that one of my xray tetras looks like it's gills are really red and poofy, like maybe there is something there.

I just had my Enose die a few weeks ago and didn't really ever notice anything strange, he got sick and within 28 hours he died and during that time he developed a crooked spine.

Well, I did a water change, bout 25% or 30%, yesterday afternoon. Today I woke up and the platy was dead on the gravel.

I took a picture under it's belly where it looked the worse. It had something going on it's sides too, but you can't tell now, it was more visible in the tank. It was like her scales were getting thinner and thinner until they just disappeared.
