What do I do now? Trouble with my fish/tank

Mar 11, 2011
We have a ten gallon tank, my husband and kids went out and surprised me with 9 fish.

They went to the pet store and the person said these fish were ok together with these numbers...

I have 4 black skirted tetras, 2 red-eyed tetras, and three red tailed sharks.

I read that red tailed sharks should be alone, that tetras should be 5 or more, so will the red eyed be unhappy? The black skirted be ok? and what do I do about the red tailed sharks?

I have a log in the bottom of the tank for hiding, the heater is where one red tailed likes to go, 2 fake plants, a fake wall, a couple of other decorations.

Do I complain to the store for giving bad advise? They said three sharks were fine etc...:eek:

Oct 29, 2010
+1 to Lauraf.

Right now, the sharks should go back. Eventually, you'll want to up your numbers to five each for schooling fish.

If you still can, the best option is to return all of the fish and do a fishless cycle, as explained in the article posted below. If that isn't an option for you, fish-in cycles are possible and detailed below as well.

Article: Cycling Your Aquarium, Aquarium Nitrogen Cycle: Start Cycling Aquarium Guide

Mar 11, 2011
So then I should not keep any red tailed sharks? My husband will be really sad. :(
I have done a nitrogen cycle, as our last fish died due to a heater malfunction, not pretty. I am using a filter that has the CycleGuard,that Biomax Insert which expands biological capacity of the aquarium it preserves the beneficial Bacteria, foam filter, activated carbon are also in it.

What size of tank do we need for a Red Tailed shark then?
I feel lousy, my kids just love the fish!


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
You did a nitrogen cycle??? so before you added any fish you added ammonia and tested daily until nitrates were between 10-20 and ammonia and nitrites were 0?

You need like a 55g minimum, they are super aggressive so you would have to rethink your entire stocking plan to keep the shark.

Mar 11, 2011
Ammonia shows 0, nitrite is on the high side now, so I made 25% water change and added nitrifiers and conditioned the water as well. I will be checking on the nitrite/nitrate level etc daily until all is normal. I will be returning the red tailed sharks and getting the remaining fish to make 5 and 5 of the other two tetras. Thank you for all your advice, just wish we received the proper advice before hand! :(

Now for the nitrogen cycle, no I guess I didn't do it right. I just cycled my filter that has the foam filter, activated carbon and BioMax Insert that expands the biological capacity of the aquarium. But I did add the beneficial bacteria, and made sure not to wash out all the parts of the filter to keep the bacterial flourishing. Like I said above, I will be keeping an eye on the levels. I have really hard water here in Winnipeg, MB, Canada, is it really worth using something to reduce the hardness? I hate playing with the tank too much. The PH is about the 7.2 zone and the alkalinity is in the safe zone.
I'm impressed at how fast you all are responding! Thanks again.

Oct 29, 2010
You're doing great! Since you're keeping a close eye on it, your tank should do fine :)

Awesome link ITT - never thought that platies would be classified as unsuitable for a 10g though . . . . .

Haha I missed that line! That site can be a bit over-conservative, although it tends to have excellent and thorough information. According to the site, platies need a minimum of 12 gallons? Haha the extra two must make a big difference!

The ten tetras sounds like a great stock plan though :)


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Don't add the new fish until you've got your tank fully cycled, but it will help for you to take back the sharks now. It's disappointing, I know, but it is awesome that you are taking advice - you will have a happier, healthier tank for it!