What do I need to get started?

I've read and re-read through all of the stickies. I've looked through books (unfortunately our library has absolutely nothing on saltwater tanks) and searched the internet for hours. I've decided that I'd like to start getting the supplies to start my first nano tank (either 5g or 15g, depending on how cheap I can find live rock). My problem is that there's so much "stuff" out there, what do I absolutely need and what can be done without? I know that I need RO water, salt mix, testing supplies (including hydrometer), heater, powerhead(s), live rock, and sand. Am I missing anything? For right now, I just want a FOWLR tank. I don't want to mess with any kinds of corals until I kinda know what I'm doing. I also don't have the desire for big fish. If I set up the 5g tank, it'll be mainly inverts and maybe a false percula or some small goby, but not both. If I use the 15g tank, there'll be a little bit more room for fish, but I still don't like the big ones.

Any help, suggestions, or seasoned advice?

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
My opinion is go with the 15g it is not going to cost much more, you will have more option for stocking (though still limited) and besides...your fish will thank you for the extra swimming room!

Here is what you should go price out at your LFS or online to get started:
-Tank & Stand
-Light (I would also invest the extra $10-20 for an auto On/Off timer)
-Heater(s) (I personally preffer using 2 smaller wattage heaters over 1 higher wattage, the reason is there is less chance of boiling or chilling your tank if one heater goes on the fritz)
-RO water
-Saltmix (Get the big bucket as it is quite a lot cheaper in the long run... and you will end up using it all anyway)
-SW test Kits (pH, Alkalinity, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite)
-Syphon and bucket (don't forget about your water changes)

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i alo use a visi therm heater. i like the sweeping head powerheads. mine are by zoo med, and are at the petsmart store for $30-40. you can get them online though for a lot cheaper from petsmart.com i heard somewhere that they price match their own site, so if something at the store catches your eye, id preint off a price sheat.

Jul 28, 2006
YahooFishKeeper said:
i alo use a visi therm heater. i like the sweeping head powerheads. mine are by zoo med, and are at the petsmart store for $30-40. you can get them online though for a lot cheaper from petsmart.com i heard somewhere that they price match their own site, so if something at the store catches your eye, id preint off a price sheat.

yes Petsmart will match their on-line prices. I set up an entire 90 gallon that way and saved over $140.