What do you guys think about these fish?

My 40 gallon thread does not get enough feedback :(

So I'm going to ask here about the idea of this stocking list:

Rummy nose
Von Rio
Black Neon Tetra

and...(the bad idea?)

Yoyo Loach.

I've read they can be aggressive and can get to about 10" I already have him though because I didn't want anyone else at the store to buy him and I've always wanted one. Plus he looks flippin' amazing on pure white sand. I can (most likely) return him (even if I don't get my money back) I'll return him if you guys think it will be an issue. Also, I'm figuring since I have 1 and it's suggested for them to be in groups of at least 3 that he may be more likely to be aggressive, like my last SAE.

I've had luck with some species being solitary, or being in small groups and some not doing well, so I'm not sure if he were to work out if it'd be fine for him to be by himself. I read that there can be inter-fighting in their groups so hiding is vital, so that is what makes me wonder about their aggressiveness.

On a side note for the tank I used AqAd for the stocking list and these would be the results:

Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 123%.
Recommended water change schedule: 24% per week.
Your aquarium stocking level is 68%

And lastly whether the Yoyo is a good idea or not, does anyone have any other suggestions of a fish that may go well with those?

Jun 18, 2010
Lima OH. USA
my yoyo loach is awesome and he leaves everyone alone except for when he plays around, he is always swimming around with his fishy buddies, never had any fin nipping problems, he is pretty friendly, and extra energetic i would say yours should be fine, however it depends on the temperment of the fish

That's good to hear! I really want to keep him, I love him already. Hopefully I hear a few more great things about them and will then just decide for myself and go for it! I'd never heard any horror stories, just read their general profiles and saw that they can be aggressive. But like you say it really does always come down to temperament, even with humans, just the way it works.