yesterday at work we had a sales rep from tetra come in and talk to us about selling their products(we are a tetra certified retailer,whatever that means)and the guy from tetra showed us a test.he put 20 drops of both ammonia and chlorine into two sperate containers and began to add some de-chlor amquel on one side and aquasafe on the took 55 drops of amquel and only 5 drops of aquasafe.what do you all think of this?do you have any info on your favorite brand of de-chlor.i don't know if what this rep showed us was hype created tetra to convince us to sell there stuff,or if it realy works that fast but i don't like the idea of using 55 drop before i think my water is's funny cause the rep from marineland was there at the same time and the two reps were talking and the guy from tetra said that his test kit would work for the other guy as well so i figure that he wasn't embelishing too much.the tetra rep also said that bio-safe is a good product too.that's why he offerd the test to the other guy from marineland
well at any rate what i am asking is do you have any facts of your own that show how well your favorite brand works. i just don't want for my fish to wait for the chlorine to go away while chemicals are slowly working as you add 55 drops or something like that
well at any rate what i am asking is do you have any facts of your own that show how well your favorite brand works. i just don't want for my fish to wait for the chlorine to go away while chemicals are slowly working as you add 55 drops or something like that