What do you put in your filter?

This is geared more towards AquaClear users, but still applies to everyone else.

What's in your filter?

In my AC70, I have a course foam(The old style; I'm not sure if you can get them anymore), then a fine foam block(New style); above that is a layer of floss and a bag of caramic blocks(biofiltration). In the chamber to the side where the impeller is, I have some phosphate removing media, to battle green water(Which is working quite well).

My other AC's are simply 3 sponges. I'm poor.

What does everyone else use?


Superstar Fish
Feb 1, 2004
middletown, CT
i used to have an aquaclear 20. now i have a whipser 10 and a whisper 20 on my 20g.. i liked hte ACs because you had a LOT of room to add whatever you wanted. in any rate, i just use filter floss, sometimes carbon. next time i'm at the lfs, i'm going to get a bag of bio rings.

GIS Guy said:
Inquiry: Bio can take place in a closed canister filter?
yes bio can take place in a canister filter. On my 55 gal brackish tank I have a Rena xP3 w/ foam on bottom, then carbon, then ceramic rings, then Filstar Bio Chem Zorb and finally micro floss on the top and it works better than any other filter that I have ever tried.