What do you think?? Red Devil and Green Terror


Large Fish
Jul 15, 2004
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Well, I'm gonna do it!!!*celebrate I have 4-5 inch GT and just bought a Red Devil just about the same size. I have'nt been able to put anything in with the GT, because he beats them up and I end up have to set up another tank. So, now I'm setting up ANOTHER tank, and gonna put the two together. Actually, are they both in the same chiclid family? Because they both seem to have the same kind of personallity and they remind me of eachother so much. Does anyone know? And also, kinda curious what you think of putting them together, or if someone has done this, how'd it turn out???
Thanx, Jeanna

Mar 17, 2004
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I don't know if the two would get along, it would all depend on the tank size and the individual personality of the fish.

Red Devil's are from Central America and Green Terror's are from South America, they are not related

Last edited:
Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
The Red Devil - Amphilophus labiatus from Central America (CA)
Green Terror - Aequidens rivulatus from South America (SA)

They are not related and are not located near each other in the wild.

I've seen it done...but you need a large tank for each to have its own territory. A 55gal won't cut it on this one. The Red Devil lives up to its name....and the Green Terror can live up to its name.

What size tank?


Large Fish
Sep 23, 2003
TN, India.
U can think of this if u've got a tank at least 4 ft long, lot of broken flower pots. I wont say it's not possible. I've got a GT with angels for more than a year.
Compared to a GT a red devil is far more aggresive. It can put any fish into ransom. If at all u get any prob with the two, most probably the GT would suffer.
But u can try it with a close look and of course cichlids hv their own personalities. If u r lucky enough u could get both tolerate each other.


Large Fish
Jul 15, 2004
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What I might do is, I have a 65gal. that we're setting up, I did want that for my Dempsey's and my Arowana, then my 55gal. for my Brachardi and their babies, then the GT and the Red Devil in the 29gal., But I think instead I'll put the Brachari and the babies in the 29gal. then put the GT and Red Devil in the 65gal. and the Arowana and Dempseys in the 55gal. Or maybe the GT and Devil in the 55gal instead. I used to have a Red Devil and Dempsey together a long time ago, but not wanting to try that because 3 of the 4 Dempsey's are young still. Ya think the Brachardi and babies would be o.k in a 29gal? I can't get ANYMORE tanks. The 65gal. is the last that I can handle. I have 5 tanks right now. Plus the 65gal that's not up just yet, til this week-end. I have the 55gal, Brachardi and babies, 29gal. with the Dempseys, 29gal with my son's fish, then a 20gal. with the GT, (too small, I know) and a 10 gal with the Red Devil that I just bought, just in til the tank is ready(also too small, I know) Plus the 65gal. that's not ready just yet.
Any suggestions?
Thanx for all the replies.:cool:


Large Fish
Sep 23, 2003
TN, India.
Brachardi tank is ok and GT-RD tank fits neck to neck but its a risk having a RD inside. Coz RD commands a 55 gal tank for itself.
None of ur tanks could fit an arowana. They're monstrous creatures growing 3-4 feet. U need atleast a 8 ft long 2 ft wide tank for a single arowana(Height is not a big parameter, even 15" tall would do).