What does everyone do during a power outage?

Jan 9, 2009
Owensboro, KY
I lost my power Tuesday night(1-27-09) dues to a bad ice storm and just now got it back today (1-31-09) because of this I lost every single one of my fish makes me want to puke the water got down to about 48 degrees in all 3 tanks I was just wondering what people do to prevent this


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Sorry to hear about your losses :(

A generator is going to be your best bet to keep the essentials running. Mainly, you'll want heaters and some filtration. Of course, if you get a big enough one, you can keep other essentials in the house (like the refrigerator and a few lights) running.

A UPS (uniterruptible power supply) can work, but only for a short time on one or two things. It's fine if the power goes out for a few hours, but it won't work much longer than that.

Jan 9, 2009
Owensboro, KY
I was thinking a generator would be the best bet, never had this happen like this and be so cold , and never did have a need for a generator getting one after the storm had already hit was nearly impossible still A LOT of people without power and a lot of places have waiting lists for generators


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I had the same thing happen 2 years ago. my fish upstairs survived the 2 weeks just fine but we have a wood stove to keep the house warm. all my cichlids in the basement however perished. but in the summer I don't worry about it but in the winter I have syphoned water out of the tank and place it next to the wood stove and heat it up to about 85 degrees and dump the water in. kept doing this about every 3 hours and it kept them alive for the week we had no power. but I know what it's like to slowly watch ur fish freeze to death. and unless I buy my own personal generator for thousands of dollars I'll never have one so usually I just wait it out and do what I can to help my fish out.


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
depends on if its in the summer or winter. If the powers out for a few hours i do nothing. Battery air pumps work wonders. In the winter wrapping the tank with blankets is a good way to keep warmth in. In the summer bags of ice ( being monitored helps.) and of course a generator is always nice


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
That sucks. In Northern Indiana we had a huge ice storm
Xmas week and many here lost power for over a week. The outside temp went down to zero and many people were having a tough time. I was very fortunate and didn't lose power but looking at my tanks made me think that the $500 for a generator was cheap insurance. So I managed to pick one up and now it sits in my garage. It will run both tanks (less the metal halides) along with my well pump. A few in our local club were not as lucky, one guy was running extension cords across the street to his neighbour who had power....he managed without any losses. So think about your finned friends and spend as much on power back up as you will for a good light system


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
back in 05 when hurricane wilma hit i was without power for like 15 days! at the time all my tanks were fish only and i managed to only lose one yellew tang out of about 10-15 fish by using the battery powered air pumps.... now have a generator ;)