What dows corals eat?

Apr 11, 2006
Hi, I new to reef keeping. I want to know what type of food do corals eat? I have 1 purple star polyps, 1 yellow polyps, and 1 button polyps(purple and yellow dot in the middle). My purple star polyps has been living for a months now and show no sign of dying and is doing great. I never fed it anything. Today, I went and bought two more corals and was thinking to myself, they have to eat something. The associate told me to buy some kent marine food for it, but I did not think it is necessary because my star polyps did fine without anything. Is it neccessary?? Could I overcrowd my 20 gallon tanks with coral like fish?? Like I said before, I am new to this hobbie and any advices will be greatly appreciate.

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
zoanthids? if so these in my expirience wont eat, they get their food from photosynthetic(is that the word) algae that lives in them. what is you loighting? how many watts over what size of tank?

Apr 11, 2006
Yes, I am sorry, it is zoanthids. So you said, they only get their food from photosythesis. Ok, thanks for your help. Oh, by the way, do these specie reproduce at all, at what rate??


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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yep they can reproduce fast, but my friends and i experienced different kinds with different results. Some just never reproduce, other just flourish, making zillions of babies. They require light as primary source of food, but on the long run they may need some microscopic plankton or filter feeder food. Well if you use frozen mysid or brine shrimps, there's always some particules left from the juice that they can catch. Some people feed 'em one by one but it think it's a little bit 2 much...good flow, frozen food for the fishies and they might have a lunch. They love strong lights.

Apr 11, 2006
I went to the store today and bought some frozen plantktons, brand name"QT". Is it neccessary? Could they just live off from the left over food I feed the fishes. If I feed those plantkton and run my uv sterilizer at the same time will it kill the planktons? Are Calcium, Iron, and some other minereal vital to my corals? Which one is the most essential minereal? Will they reproduce under compact light 130W? If someone can answer these questions I would greatly appreciate it.


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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130w on a 20 yeah man. they can handle leftovers. UV don't kill much stuff so in any cases there will be plankton left. Or just just turn off your powerheads and flow, they use a seringe with plankton in it ( can mix with tank water ) if you wanna be sure they can be fed. Yes their are vital to your corals but they can be find in your salt mix. Unless you have a super load of corals you don't need much. I sold some corals so i don't need anything more than Calcium, and an alk buffer. I used a little bit of strontium, magnesium and iodide like once a month...
Well they're all important but they're included in your mix. If your levels go low, change more water.

Apr 11, 2006
Thanks for the advices above. what killed your zoanthids colony??? Is a damsell safe with the zoanthid because I have one in my tank? It doesn't eat the zoanthid but just wondering. Could I keep a frogspawn( if that what they are called)coral in my 20gal tank with my other corals?

Apr 11, 2006
Really!!! I have two snail, don't know what kind they are. Their shell sort of curl into a triangle. I bought it 2 bucks for each at the pet store, they are huge, one of them was on top of the zoanthids, but it seems like the snail didn't do any damage to the zoanthids. I also have a crab, don't know what kind it is. Long legs, I believe 7 legs, looks like a spider, its body is shape like a praymid. He haven't done any damage on the zoanthid as well. Are these the snails and crabs you are talking about?? If so, what should I do.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
the snails you have sound like Turbo snails or Astrea snails...maybe Cerith

your crab sounds like an arrow crab

let me say, i am noticing a disturbing/problematic trend here. you own a lot of stuff but you seem to have little/no understanding of its care requirements, or even what it is. this is not good! You need to research and then buy...it isn't like freshwater where you can just plunk stuff in. the path you are walking is one which leads surely to disaster.