What else can i put in my tank?

Jan 5, 2010
I currently have a RTBS at approx 3" and 2 angelfish approx 2" from nose to end of the tail in a 54L tank with live plants.
It is an Aquaone tank and the filter came with it so not sure what output it is.

What else can i put in there that the shark will behave with? She doesn't bother the angels but i had to rehome 2 platies i had in there as she was chasing them around.
Just to add, i am aware they will need a bigger tank as they grow and shall be upgrading at the end of the summer.


Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
I really do not think your fish can make it until the end of summer. I hope you decide on at least a 55 gallon tank for the angels and rehome the shark. Sharks even get too big for a 55 gallon and must be kept in over twice the size of a 55 gallon tank. Plus, they need to be kept in groups. That is way too small of a tank for just one angelfish, let alone two angels and a shark. It doesn't matter how small they are. Do not add any more fish. You will make it way worse for the fish you have in there already.

55 gallons is about 210 liters, by the way.

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Jan 5, 2010
Ok, i will see what i can do about the tank, but i'm confused as you state that black sharks need to be kept in groups, yet all the info i have read on here and on the net has stated that they almost always have to be kept on their own as they are very aggressive?!

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
Generally speaking, sharks are extremely aggressive. Given a very large, well-planted tank, sharks can be kept in groups. I don't know if this goes for Red Tailed Black Sharks, but maybe some of the experts can answer this. Regardless, you need to get rid of that shark unless you plan on buying two very large tanks. I would get rid of the angelfish, too, unless you can buy a new tank very, very soon.