What else to feed my Plecs


Large Fish
Mar 1, 2006
Oneida, NY
On to of the wafers I put in daily, I give my Plecs Zucchini, Cucumber and Lettuce about twice a week on a rotating basis. What else is good to vary the diet with? I tried white and sweet potato, but they did not seem to care for either. I have heard they like Peas and Mango. What else to you all put in for them?


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Ive never heard of Mango. ???

This is off of PlanetCatfish.com :: Welcome! for your Gibby: Lettuce, Peas, Frozen Spinach and any prepared food that reaches the bottom. Larger fish enjoy prawns or pieces of freshwater trout. Algae (especially soft brown) will be eaten immediately.

And for the Royal: Classic ''pleco diet'' of greens. Can be acclimatized onto most vegetables; tinned peas seem a favourite. The fish also appear to eat bogwood. Some prepared foods should also be offered to supplement this diet.
Bogwood is essential - both for dietary reasons and because it seems to be the Royal Pleco's preferred hide-out.....

You are sort stuck in a bad spot becuase you have two Plecos with different diets. Its gonna make it harder to feed them. The Gibby should havea varied diet of meats and veggies but the Royal needs veggies and wood. Just keep an eye onthere bellies and make sure they are getting enough food.
You also have a bad fish stock for your tank. I hope that some of the smaller fish are going to be moving into the 55G. :eek:


Large Fish
Mar 1, 2006
Oneida, NY
Yes, I sprung a leak in the 55 last weekend and am in the process of re-sealing it. Its an odd mix in the 110 right now but when I looked over and saw water gushing out of the bottom of the tank it did not leave me much choice. There are several pieces of bog wood in the tank for the Royal. The Gibby will eat the Carnivore Sinking Pellets but I have never seen the Royal show interest in anything other than the wood and the greens. Everyone seems healthy. It was more of a general question to see if I should mix it up a little. Thanks.