What Else?

In my 20g I have a dwarf gourami and six zebra danios. I was wondering what else I could put in there since it looks a little... I don't know what the word would be, but I would really like it if I could put a new fish in there. I was really leaning towards a GBR, but I haven't been able to find any of them in pet stores around my house. I've also been told they wouldn't be a good choice...

And in my 10g, I had a mollie, six neons, and three cories. One of my mollies recently died, and I was wondering if I could get a balloon mollie. Cuz those looked really cool.

I know a lot of you are going to tell me that I should try to figure out what killed my mollie before I get another fish, please don't tell me this because guess what...

I already know! :O

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Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
I was just thinking to myself...sometimes fish just die...but since you brought it up...what did kill your molly?

Your pushing your stock limits, but I don't see any real issues with putting another molly in there, regardless if it's a balloon, sail fin..or what ever type.

For your 20 I would add a nice school of 6 or so panda cories. Again this is going to max your tank out, but should be ok. I say the pandas because they are a smaller corie.

Dec 23, 2005
I agree with Pure, I wouldn't see any problem with adding any kind of molly in your 10g.
For your 20g, If not cories or otos, how about a few cherry barbs? Or some loaches like yoyos or dojos? Or a nice school of Celebse Rainbows?
Just some suggestions:)


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Don't sailfin mollies get to like 5" long? Balloons are much smaller though, so should be fine in your 10g.

I second the suggestion for cherry barbs. They take the lower levels of the tank than the danios, so it'll make the tank look more full than adding another top-swimming school (like rainbows). A big shoal of kuhli loaches would be cool too, to fill up the bottom some.


Medium Fish
Jun 20, 2005
Southeastern Michigan
For your 20 gallon: Maybe a female betta? That should add a little more color to your tank, and she would be much too slow a swimmer to become aggressive with the gourami, and if it's anything like my tank, the danios will ignore her.

10 gallon: Is it a black molly you already have? If so, I'd suggest a silver molly, to contrast the one you already have. Of course, it's your tank, and you're going to have to live with it, so go for the balloon molly.