The object of the game is to guess what kind of fish I am by asking questions. The rules are as follows.
1. The person who starts the game (the game master) thinks of a fish and posts a minor clue as to the type of fish it is. This person also decides how many questions can be asked.
2. No one is allowed to ask 2 questions in a row. Once you have asked a question and the game master answers, you can not ask another question until someone else has asked a question. You may make a guess, but you cannot make 2 guesses in a row either.
3. The game master should only answer the questions with yes or no, so questions should be asked in a yes or no form.
4. Fish must be fresh or brackish and at least occasionally available at some of the local fish stores.
5. The person who correctly guesses the fish is the game master for the next game and should start it in a new thread within a day or two with a new game number. If no one successfully guesses in the allotted number of questions, the game master leads another game.
I'm a laterally compressed fish who is able to get oxygen in another way than just my gills. Who am I? I will answer 20 questions/guesses before revealing the fish and starting over with a new one.
Good Luck!
The object of the game is to guess what kind of fish I am by asking questions. The rules are as follows.
1. The person who starts the game (the game master) thinks of a fish and posts a minor clue as to the type of fish it is. This person also decides how many questions can be asked.
2. No one is allowed to ask 2 questions in a row. Once you have asked a question and the game master answers, you can not ask another question until someone else has asked a question. You may make a guess, but you cannot make 2 guesses in a row either.
3. The game master should only answer the questions with yes or no, so questions should be asked in a yes or no form.
4. Fish must be fresh or brackish and at least occasionally available at some of the local fish stores.
5. The person who correctly guesses the fish is the game master for the next game and should start it in a new thread within a day or two with a new game number. If no one successfully guesses in the allotted number of questions, the game master leads another game.
I'm a laterally compressed fish who is able to get oxygen in another way than just my gills. Who am I? I will answer 20 questions/guesses before revealing the fish and starting over with a new one.
Good Luck!