What fish can go in a blue ram breeding tank?

The Title tells it all. I'm setting up a 10 gallon tnak with 15 watts of light, live plants, rocks, and zarire root. The filter is a penguin bio-whell mini (up to 20 gallons).

It's a normal size 10 gallon tank that you usually see, so it's 20 x 10, which is 200 then divide by 12=16 so i cna fit 16 inches of fish in the tank!!

they are beginners only had 1 bacth so far in my 20 gallon community tank and the gibbiceps pl*co at the eggs. They wtached him eat them LOL

Okay so what kind of fish cna go with the breeding pair of rams. I was thinking 3 cories and 4 ottos and maybe some tetras!! What do you think?


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
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I agree, in a 10g there will be nowhere for the other fish to hide. Besides, if you want any fry, it's best not to have anything in the tank that will eat them or the eggs.

If you are worried about algae you can always add some snails.