The Title tells it all. I'm setting up a 10 gallon tnak with 15 watts of light, live plants, rocks, and zarire root. The filter is a penguin bio-whell mini (up to 20 gallons).
It's a normal size 10 gallon tank that you usually see, so it's 20 x 10, which is 200 then divide by 12=16 so i cna fit 16 inches of fish in the tank!!
they are beginners only had 1 bacth so far in my 20 gallon community tank and the gibbiceps pl*co at the eggs. They wtached him eat them LOL
Okay so what kind of fish cna go with the breeding pair of rams. I was thinking 3 cories and 4 ottos and maybe some tetras!! What do you think?
It's a normal size 10 gallon tank that you usually see, so it's 20 x 10, which is 200 then divide by 12=16 so i cna fit 16 inches of fish in the tank!!
they are beginners only had 1 bacth so far in my 20 gallon community tank and the gibbiceps pl*co at the eggs. They wtached him eat them LOL
Okay so what kind of fish cna go with the breeding pair of rams. I was thinking 3 cories and 4 ottos and maybe some tetras!! What do you think?