what fish can live with bettas?


Medium Fish
Feb 20, 2006
in my 32 gallon tank, I have 3 neon tetras, 2 black phantom tetras, 2 clown loaches, 2 smallish catfish/barb things that lie on plants (not sure of name) and 2 zebra danios.

I read that bettas do not live well with zebra danios as thay are known to knip fins, but I was thinking of selling them or something anyway, as the one is way to aggresive.

If I was to get rid of the danios, would I be able to have 1 male betta?, and will it get used to flakes or should I buy frozen brine shrimp or whatever?


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
I woulden't add a betta to that tank personally, some people have had sucess with bettas and some other fish, but I would prefer to keep bettas alone. Unless you are referring to a female betta, in which case it should be fine.

I think your unknown little guys are cory cats, might want to get a couple more of them, they like groups. Maybe a few more Neons too, they really like groups of 6+, after that, I'd say that tank would be about full.

I am thinking about getting a betta or paradise fish (much like bettas), I was going to make him a home in a 10g, mabe with a blue cray, but the cray is more geared for the paradise, I don't like the combo of the slow moving betta and those claws, paradise fish are a little faster from what I have read. A 2g+ bowl or small aquarium may be a better choice if you really want a betta, I don't agree with most of the tiny bowls they are commonly kept in.

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
I agree, Bettas should be the only fish. Females are OK but sometimes can be aggressive though not as much as the male.

Some people have Bettas living with other fish but it's the risk you take. It depends on the Betta. Personally I would not risk it. Alot of male Bettas get fin envy of other fish even if the fish just looks like a Betta might make him go territorial. I know my Betta HAS to be the only fish as he charged at my little plush pigeon by his tank because it had bright purple & blue colors so I had to move the toy off the burea so little Mr. Attitude would stop acting like a mad bull.


Small Fish
Mar 6, 2006
i had my betta in a 20g tank and he did pretty well with all my other fish,we had some fighting but i couldnt decide if it was him or my bala shark(about two inches)(moving into larger tank soon I promise). but I had to remove him because he ripped one of his fins and it still hasnt recovered. I'd go with what you have read about them but.. glowlights and neon tetras with a pleco and cory cats do well together. I wouldnt go with a bala shark though they tend to be agressive and they need to be in a large tank . I would be interested in any info. on my input because im wondering the same question myself.

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
Each Betta is different. Some do very well with other fish, some tolerate them good, others get bullied or are the bullies themselves. Before putting a Betta in a community tank, try putting him in a bowl and put it next to the tank and see how he reacts. Personally I wouldn't risk it. Female bettas can be very pretty and do alot better in community tanks. My mom is debating on starting an aquarium but I will not put UB in there. He is way too "macho" to hang with other fish.

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly

ninamarie said:
"macho" can a fish be that??? lol
Apparently, UB is. He rests in his cave, with his head sticking out, when I look at him he flares his gills, and if I don't go away, he comes out all flaring. He looks like a guard dog in a dog house. Sometimes I wish could find a tiny spike collar for him :D


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
Haha, UB sounds like a real character, gotta love it! LukeHawk, I would agree with everything said here. A few years back my family had a betta in a community tanks and he did wonderful, so, it really does just depend on the betta. Try what was mentioned about putting a betta in a bowl next to your community tank or float him in the tank to see how he does when surrounded by other pretty fishies ;) Glad to hear you got your tank all set up and running!! Sounds like a beaut!


Small Fish
Mar 6, 2006
I found that some tetra's and corycat's pleco's.
i would not put him with the zebra unless you really want to. Then I would place him in a floater and place him next to into the tank with the other fish and take any agressive sign and not put him in.