what fish look like SAE?


Medium Fish
Sep 19, 2009
north jersey
I got this fish that the fish store said was a sae but I'm not convinced. The stripe doesn't look as bold and it's not as sharp on the edge. It's not fitting the descriptions of sae/ff that I see online.. what other fish could it possibly be? It does not have a sucker mouth. It's a long skinny silver fish with a dark stripe. I can't take a picture of it because it's the most skittish thing ever but if I could gt some names I could probably figure it out by reading online. It does not have a sucker mouth, so it's not a chinese algae eater. Incidentally it does not eat algae, and is a territorial, fin-nipping little bastard. *twirlysmi


Medium Fish
Sep 19, 2009
north jersey
I saw that :) and determined it's not a SAE, pretty sure it's not a flying fox but possible based on the description.

Tried to take a pic, hopefully this helps.

Is this common? So far, our LFS and Walmart and Petco all have mis-labeled fish. Driving me crazy. I don't even know that many fish and I'm seeing it! So far 3 out of the 4 purchases I've made either I got something that wasn't what I was looking for or I bought it knowing what it "really" was.

Here you can kinda see him, bottom left with the stripe

bottom, in the back, left, so you can see his eye.

another bad angle

Feb 27, 2009
My LFS keeps SAE, CAE and otos all in one big tank because 'an algae eater is an algae eater' and they are all labeled as 'algae eaters' with the same price.

Makes me mad when those selling something don't know what they have to sell.

The face and tail are the best way to know for these fish. Lots of 'minnow' type fish look alike. Have you tried planetcatfish for photos to look at?


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
doest look like anything close to the SAE family (which is the "shark" family)
looks like some sort of tetra...h/o

We need a better tail pic. looks like a penguin tetra so far..

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Medium Fish
Sep 19, 2009
north jersey
Well this morning after my post I had to go out so I stopped back w/my receipt, back to the tank they were in to see if maybe I or the fish handler confused them with something else, but no, the tank was labeled as SAE.. They were like $4 a fish and I pointed out the mistake and they shrugged and told me to go to the cust. serv. desk, which I did, and the bored clerk just refunded me the money but they don't want the fish back (walmart)

There's a bunch of these in the store tank and a bunch of pinkish ones in there. Are these even warm water fish? What am I supposed to do w/them? ekk. Will they eat my other fish?


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
lol yup now I'm 100% sure they are fatheads. the pinkish ones are the pink variety and are called rosy red minnows. these fish are considered feeder fish and $4 a fish is a serious rip off. I'm glad you got them for free. they will not eat any of your fish, but they do tend to get aggressive..


Medium Fish
Sep 19, 2009
north jersey
Thanks bunches for your help, guys :) I don't know what I'll do with them yet.. I'm not about to start another cold tank :-/ They seem happy enough there.. they've taken over a section... we'll see I guess.


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
Visit site
they can tolerate anything from 45 degrees to 90 degrees. Fathead, or rosy red, minnows are nearly indestructible. They are hardy, lively, a little mean and ugly as sin, but they dont eat algae. they will draw in it if you have it on the wall of a tank, but that's about it.


Medium Fish
Sep 19, 2009
north jersey
Well my ugly fish are about 2x the size they were, and they have eaten most of the brown algae/slime that was on the back wall of the tank. They also keep the gravel pretty clean, I hardly get anything when I vacuum/water change. The water is crystal clear. They don't really bother the other fish either. Hilarious, huh? I am hoping these guys get on the bigger end of the range, I have heard some people have gotten them up to 5" but we'll see. They re about 3.5" long now. Crazy, no?