What fish should I add?

Apr 16, 2005
This may or may not be the place for this but it's the only place I can think to put it.

Ive had my 30 gal up and running for over a year and a half now.

All I have in it are 4 Serpae Tetras, 3 Leopard Danios and 3 Zebra Danios. They all get along just fine but I've had these guys forever and I was wondering what fish I could add that would get along well with the other 10.

Thanks for the input! :eek:

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Apr 16, 2005
Oh.. I do have a golden apple snail but nothing besides that. I have a pleco but he's in a 10 gal with some neon tetras. I felt he was too crowded in the 30 gal actually because of the lack of floor room and he's just chillin' in the 10 gal for now.

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Mar 8, 2005
Maybe a dwarf but I would be careful of putting any ciclid in w/ smaller comunity fish. I've always heard it's a bad bad idea. My angels would munch on anything that could fit into their mouth, even though they are very peaceful fish. Just my 2 cents. Oh and you'll have to move that pl*co over to the 30 gal and eventually to a larger tank as he will out grow even a 75 and 90 gal tank (they have the potential to get very very large).

Apr 16, 2005
culinaryartcook said:
Maybe a dwarf but I would be careful of putting any ciclid in w/ smaller comunity fish. I've always heard it's a bad bad idea. My angels would munch on anything that could fit into their mouth, even though they are very peaceful fish. Just my 2 cents. Oh and you'll have to move that pl*co over to the 30 gal and eventually to a larger tank as he will out grow even a 75 and 90 gal tank (they have the potential to get very very large).
Yeah I'm not a big fan of cichlids but I'll consider it.

See, I was worried when I got him that he would grow far too large for my 30 gal but after having him nearly a year now and he's maybe eh.. 5 1/2 inches long at the most I thought maybe there was something keeping him from growing. He hasnt grown in a few months as far as I can tell.

What do you think about loaches? Would they get along well? I'm awfully fond of Clown Loaches but have never owned any.

Clown Loaches will outgrow your tank cuase they get up to 12 inches long i think but it'll take a while. A gourami might work, ummm what else.... some rainbow fish maybe like 3 to 5 or maybe just one angel but your tank needs to be a sorta tall one, anything that isnt tooo short is fine. If you do decide to go with the angel then dont get a big one maybe a quarter sized one.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
A gourami would work well. Maybe even a paradise fish, depending if your tetras are big enough to stay out of its way.

There are a lot of loaches that stay smaller and would do well in your tank, like yo-yos or kuhli loaches. Or you could get a group of cories.

I wouldn't put an angel in there... I've always heard that serpae tetras are big fin nippers, and an angel would probably get torn up.

Mar 8, 2005
Ram are you talking about the ones that are suppose to glow in the dark? If it's the fish I'm thinking of they're good fish but they don't actually "glow" as much as they were hyped up to be. Plus are they died/painted? Or was it genetically engineered?


Small Fish
Mar 25, 2005
culinaryartcook said:
Ram are you talking about the ones that are suppose to glow in the dark? If it's the fish I'm thinking of they're good fish but they don't actually "glow" as much as they were hyped up to be. Plus are they died/painted? Or was it genetically engineered?
To answer your question, Glow-light tetras are natures creation. I have many...and none of them glow in the dark :(

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
dont be turned away from cichlids to fast. u could get abolivian ram or two. and if you want a bit of a chalenge blue rams are beautiful. the blue on them realy shows up if you have black gravel