what fish to add

Oct 8, 2004
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my last fish is doing fine and my tank is looking better, much clearer water my alage eater did die saturday suddenly, i know i need to wait a week or to before adding more fish but i would like to know what types of fish to add with my gourami and the 2 dwarf frogs and snail i have left....i have a 50 gal tank.....my present gourami is a paradise gourami i thought about gettting one more of those, id like to get a couple kissing gouramis, please help


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
2 paradise gouramis will fight, and one will be bullied into hiding all day. You probably don't want any little tetras, as my paradise fish ate the eye out of one of my black neons and harassed the others (damaged a gill and a fin...not a pretty sight...but no casualties :) ).

You could get angels, or danios, or possibly certain platies...my paradise gets along with a blue platy. In a 50 gallon, you have enough room to get swordtails. I don't know about barbs with paradise fish, though. Larger barbs like tigers could probably work out. You might be able to add tiger barbs and larger tetras.

I am partial to kuhli loaches as bottom feeders. The ones that I've had have been fairly hardy, and the paradise ignores them. I don't know what the paradise would do with cories, but they might be another possibility.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Oh, and if you get tetras, or cories, or most types of barbs (like tigers), or danios, you ought to get them in groups of at least 4-6. Tetras should be in as big a group as your tank has room for. I noticed that in your other thread you said you had 2 of various types of tetras...they won't really school with other species, so you should get at least 4 of every kind you want.

As you are partially cycled, you shouldn't add more than 3 fish at a time...unless you plan on having a final number of 4 danios or something like that, in which case you could add the whole school. If your school is larger, then add it in at least 2 groups. You need to add fish slowly to allow your bacteria a chance to grow to take care of the larger bioload...or else you will start the cycle over again.