What fish would be good?


Small Fish
Aug 24, 2008
Clarion, Pennsylvania
I am wondering what fish would go good in a 50 gallon tank,Im putting driftwood in it and want some fish that are colorful and there natural habitat is driftwood.

Hope ya can help, Thanks


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Interesting fish stevie! I do have a softspot for catfish myself.. and that particular one could work well in a south american themed 50 gallon. Does say they're nocturnal though so I'm not sure how often you'd see it!

Another couple of angles for the driftwood theme, a south-east asian tank could work with a couple of types of the less nippy barbs (cherry barbs, ruby barbs etc), rasboras, gouramis, glass catfish etc. Also a west african tank could work, with butterfly fish, congo tetras, and kribensis.


Large Fish
Apr 2, 2005
Sunny Ireland.
Interesting fish stevie! I do have a softspot for catfish myself.. and that particular one could work well in a south american themed 50 gallon. Does say they're nocturnal though so I'm not sure how often you'd see it!

Another couple of angles for the driftwood theme, a south-east asian tank could work with a couple of types of the less nippy barbs (cherry barbs, ruby barbs etc), rasboras, gouramis, glass catfish etc. Also a west african tank could work, with butterfly fish, congo tetras, and kribensis.
It is fantastic looking! It also stays under 5 inches to boot!

The only thing that put me off was this,

"The best way to achieve this is to add a group to a reasonably established aquarium and forget about them. At some point of the next year or so you'll eventually catch glimpses of them in all their finery."

twiant, they are not agressive when compared to other cichlids. I reckon though the will take anything tetra size and may nip and scrap at other fish now and again. But nothing major.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
twiant, they are not agressive when compared to other cichlids. I reckon though the will take anything tetra size and may nip and scrap at other fish now and again. But nothing major.
I've never found them to be overly aggressive either, unless they're breeding, or a pair forms in a tank of 3. They're best kept in even number, they're quite hard to sex but this helps to eliminate a weaker or odd-numbered fish being targetted. I also haven't had any problems with them eating smaller fish, I think if you buy the tetras first, let them grow for a bit and then by the angels SMALL, they don't see the tetras as food items as much. Neons and the smallest tetras are most at risk.

I think a Discus tank would be really cool. They come in a variety of colors, all of which are beautiful, and are a really interesting fish. They would go well in the eviroment that you are describing and would also make great "centerpiece" fish. I would recommend you only get a pair M/F and see what smaller fish you can put in with them.


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
I think a Discus tank would be really cool. They come in a variety of colors, all of which are beautiful, and are a really interesting fish. They would go well in the eviroment that you are describing and would also make great "centerpiece" fish. I would recommend you only get a pair M/F and see what smaller fish you can put in with them.
I agree but Discus fish require very good water don't they? If he went with a discus tank he might get a headache from all the maintaining and care required, I know I would.


Small Fish
Aug 24, 2008
Clarion, Pennsylvania
I like the discus's too but im only 15 years old and I dont have a job so there a bit expensive to get, On the internet they were 50 dollers each. And the only thing I dont like about angel fish is there not a natural fish and for me they look to ''glamerous'' to me, well thats just what I think.

This is all true, Discus do require more care than a lot of other fish and yes they are a bit pricey. Awesome fish though. I remember when I started out I was told the Otto Cats required a lot of care. I'm glad I went with my instinct because they are IMO a very hardy fish, I've never had one die on me and I have bought probally about 20 since I started, hard little workers too, love watching them zip back and forth.


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
I like the discus's too but im only 15 years old and I dont have a job so there a bit expensive to get, On the internet they were 50 dollers each. And the only thing I dont like about angel fish is there not a natural fish and for me they look to ''glamerous'' to me, well thats just what I think.
What do you mean not natural?


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
I know what you mean about angels, I only EVER buy the wild coloured types (i.e the silver base with brown/black vertical stripes). I've also not found discus to be overly fussy but they require clean water as Jo3 said, the main problem with discus in bad quality water is hole in the head and pop-eye.

mini 77

Small Fish
May 3, 2009
widnes, cheshire england
Erm i have a mate right now who has to big black angle fish, and they did bullie some fish at first, Erm i am a big fan of Discus! they are big and very peacful, i think you should get 4-6 and some Neon tetra as schooling fish?

2 tanks
250 liter - 4 ft tank, comunity tank, 2 full size kissing gourami, 3 Tiger Babrs (from 10), 2 oddesa babs (from 5), to Upside Down Catfish, 2 Bristlenose Plecos, 1 Pakistani loach, 3 algae eaters, Fire mouth cichlid, Jururpari cichlid, 2 Festive cichlids and 1 Red tailed shark.

150 liters - about 2.6ft, 2 breeding pair of Rainbow cichlids!! i have got 7 small fry left from about 50 and they have laid again, waiting for more fry now, If you live in United Kingdom and are in trested in buying some and live close to Liverpool, email me at mini.phelan@hotmail.com http://www.borstein.com/sam/images/herotilapia_multispinosa.jpg


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
I personally wouldn't put a a group of discus as big as 5 or 6 in a 50 gallon tank, I'd get a pair, 4 at most, and leave it at that, coz it will limit your other stocking with them being such big fish. I also wouldn't keep neons with them because of how small they are, I've not kept them together but they may be seen as food. Cardinals are slightly bigger and generally work well in discus tanks, because they have the same water requirements coming from the same areas. Another "typical" discus or angel tankmate is the rummynose tetra.


Superstar Fish
Dec 20, 2006
On my office chair playing Runescape
Get a couple bullfrog tadpoles from a pond. Let them grow up then drain half the tank, purchase a couple of turtle dock, add some water hyacinth, and there you have a NA biotope.

I want to get ahold of some leopard frog tadpoles but I can find any. This one store sell bullfrog tadpoles but I need a 30in tank min to house one.


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2009
I might consider severums,blue acara,and firemouth for this tank. Have kept them before and they did quite well together. Gold severums or reds are truly beautiful and grow fast.
Discus would also work but I would get five minimum to keep bullying to a minimum. Neons wouldn't be good with discus who require higher temps than the neons appreciate. Cardinals prefer warmer water, and would in my view work better but Discus are cichlids ,and some have been reported to kill small tetras.
My expierience with Angelfish suggests that they do well in groups while young but that as they grow older and form pairs, they will harrass the others or kill them outright during spawning . It then becomes necessary to move the others or the breeding pair to their own tank. They too have been known to make snacks out of smaller fish such as tetras.

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