What goes with what???


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
I now have only have 3 male feeder guppies in my 5 gal tank and want to know what I can add. I want to add fancy guppy males or maybe even a beta will they be ok together ?? Or if you have any other ideas and pics of other fish that will go with my little male guppies please post. I don't know much about fish and the types thats why I need pics.

Thank you


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
can I add a fancy guppy since I only have plain ordinary ones. Also can betas eat guppy food? Which is better male or female. Trying to go with all males cause don't want babies. I am not sure though if betta give birth as much as guppies.

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Sep 8, 2005
I would be very careful adding a male betta in a guppy tank. The betta may think they are other male bettas and fight.
Also bettas are egg layers and guppies are live bearers. The betta will eat the guppy fry. So if you have male and females the fry probably will not survive. Not that i am recommending this.
And no bettas are not prolific breeders like guppies.
I would just put a couple of male fancy tail guppies in.


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
Thanks for the advice cause I was going to put a beta in the tank. Any other ideas of different fish that go with ordinary guppies? Also how may should I have in a 5 gal tank? And I am going for all males and small nice looking fish for a display.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
See my avatar? Why not add one of those guys in? It'll sure spice things up in your aquarium! ;)

Seriously though...I'll assume that you want to keep those little guppies alive. Adding more/fancy ones is not a bad idea.

I know you said you weren't as interested in the neon tetras---have you considered bloodfin tetras though?

These are great little schooling fish have whitish/silverish bodies with bright-red colored fins.
They will not get beyond 2 inches in length (more like 1.5, actually...esp. in a smaller tank), and they live for a very long time. They are quite hardy, peaceful, yet seem to have individual personalities that might really spice up your tank.

I would think that 4 of these would do just fine with your 3 guppies. Your 5 gallon tank should handle this no problem; just so long as you keep up with water changes, etc.

Sorry I don't have a pic or link to give you at the moment---Just perform a search for "bloodfin tetra" if you wanna see what they look like.

Hope this helps.
Big Vine


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
What about a female betta? One shouldn't go after the guppy tails, they shouldn't see it as competition because they don't feel the need to be all big and tough as much as the males do.

An ADF is another interesting, somewhat different tank inhabitant that could go with guppies. One or two would do fine in there.

Fancy guppies and feeder guppies do just fine together, and if you have females & males they can breed together... although if you don't have lots of hiding spots you shouldn't see many fry. A female betta will help keep fry to a minimum too. All male tanks work fine, too.


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
I went to the pet shop to look at fish and found a deal I couldn't refuse. At both my local pet stores fancy guppy males are 5.99 each that is expensive for one fish. So I went to another pet store and found that they had 3 male guppies for 7.99 or 3.99 each. So I got three male guppies. I also saw a dwarf frog which I so wanted to get but didn't know anything about them so stuck with my plan, guppies. One is yellow and the tip of the tail is red. The other is silverish with a red tail but has blueish green glare on him when he moves, and the other is gray and had a lepord type tail. They are cute and very energetic. Also my snail can actually move around and not be worried about getting bothered or picked at and he is finally doing his job. I love my tank now. Thank you for all the help you have given me. Now I am wondering about the dwarf frog cause they were sooo cute. Time for some research lol.

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